Conference interrupted in Assas: the objective press finally!

Conference interrupted in Assas: the objective press finally!

Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Linguist, President of LAIC
A study day on the legal issue was fortunately interrupted by the University users while contested professors were speaking to defend the transphobic idea that gender identity should be registered in the civil registry. Students, visibly aware of the legitimate problems of inclusive society, then simply armed with their courage and a few innocent projectiles - the proof: they are sold in the DIY or paint section of stores - organized a happening in order to disrupt the expected course of hate speech professed by these old-fashioned intellectuals who can't be stopped by shame. One of the speakers, realizing his mistake, made amends and his forgiveness was signified to him by the redemptive mark of colored baptismal water. On the other hand, a reactionary activist who was denounced by her tailor, aggressive and who was there to reinforce the transphobic activists, was roundly neutralized by the youth. No one was injured that day, which is fortunate because the youth probably narrowly escaped perishing under the repeated blows of the hetero-patriarchal battering ram.

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Conference interrupted in Assas: the objective press finally!

A selection of press reactions following the interruption of the conference in Assas.

The New Obs:

While a mediocre, pointless conference was taking place at Assas, which had no stakes, bringing together so-called researchers who were too old to understand the political objects of contemporary inclusive society, veiled Muslim activists dared to stand up against the white heterosexual patriarchy and throw screws, bolts and pink paint in its face in order to mark the need for a constructive debate. The interrupted researcher, a great connoisseur of the trans issue, after announcing his love of debate at the same time as his intention to cut it, immediately rushed to apologize for his presence, which did not prevent the activists from spraying him with cries of "transphobe". A lady, Professor Emeritus by profession and who was in the audience, was copiously booed as is proper in order to advance the feminist cause.

Le Monde

A study day on the legal issue was fortunately interrupted by the University users while contested professors were speaking to defend the transphobic idea that gender identity should be registered in the civil registry. Students, visibly aware of the legitimate problems of inclusive society, then simply armed with their courage and a few innocent projectiles - the proof: they are sold in the DIY or paint section of stores - organized a happening in order to disrupt the expected course of hate speech professed by these old-fashioned intellectuals who can't be stopped by shame. One of the speakers, realizing his mistake, made amends and his forgiveness was signified to him by the redemptive mark of colored baptismal water. On the other hand, a reactionary activist who was denounced by her tailor, aggressive and who was there to support the transphobic activists, was roundly neutralized by the youth. No one was injured that day, which is fortunate because the youth probably narrowly escaped perishing under the repeated blows of the hetero-patriarchal battering ram.


The university is once again diverted from its primary function, which is to educate citizens on the eco-feminist issues of tomorrow's society, by old white cis-normed males who, by organizing a public day of debate, thought they could impose through their arrogance and authoritarianism a discourse inciting hatred against young trans people. What are they looking for, these decrepit old men with their nauseating ideas? Do they really want, deep down, that persecuted youth will give up the diversity that characterizes them? It is very opportune that LR and OR, two Muslim trans activists from Alençon, courageously intervened to carry the word and colors of the common cause high and to prohibit research from contradicting opinion. The facts, shamefully reported by the far-right press as an "interruption of a conference", actually happened as follows: LR, who wanted to ask a question, inadvertently raised her hand - as is proper - to ask a question. She recounts it herself:

LR: "I was raising my hand to ask a question, and I had my shampoo bottle with me. I was too overwhelmed by the situation, and I raised the wrong hand so that I clumsily sprayed the speakers."

This testimony, very valuable and exclusive to Libération, proves if need be that the brutal force and violence were the work, as usual, of the organizers who did not hesitate for a single moment to use force by calling security to exclude these worthy Muslim students from the room. Not content with being transphobic, this day was also Islamophobic, climate skeptical and filled with hate speech. A reactionary activist from the audience, feeling supported by the presence of the police whose propensity for excesses is well known, thought he could leave the room before the oppressed demonstration ended. It was then that the courageous activists opportunely seized the opportunity to settle the score with him. One of the speakers, imagining that his youth and the progressive nature of his research would be able to calm the debate, immediately apologized.

Daniel Schneiderman, on his blog

Reactionary professors gathered in secret to foment a plot at the instigation of far-right media such as Le Point, L'Express and Le Figaro, whose skill in fabricate information, saw their plan foiled by clever Alençon activists who came specially to Paris for the occasion. Having infiltrated with clever disguises, they all managed to denounce the action of the hooded men by bringing the action to light: the traditional media devoted to government propaganda did not have time to react. Well played! On this occasion, the extremists tried to put up violent resistance that dishonors them. A woman, probably an actress paid by the police force to make pictures aimed at discrediting the courageous action of the youth, pretended to be sprayed with paint when of course she had not been able to speak before (since she was not there yet...). QED: the propaganda media once again reveal their action in broad daylight and their unhealthy role. A young researcher, misled by the fascist propaganda that had fomented this day, immediately apologized for having let himself be fooled. This public confession, which does not absolve the crime, nevertheless honors it.


A lamentable event has dishonored the University once again. Indeed, a gang of reactionary professors tried to attack screws, bolts and paint pots with their heads, right in the middle of Paris. A public emeritus professor even tried, but in vain, to ruin the talent of the handymen who had the right to do what they wanted at home by stealing their paint pot, which rightly fell on her head.


Islamist attack in the heart of Paris: a young researcher who defended progressive ideas on the question of transidentity and who was speaking at a conference was prevented from speaking by radicalized Muslim demonstrators, who then tried to attack a woman.


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