Could Parliament have become the Trojan Horse of transactivism?

Could Parliament have become the Trojan Horse of transactivism?

Michel Messu

Sociologist-Honorary Professor of Universities
The Little Mermaid Observatory has criticized parliamentary moves to prosecute therapists who are reluctant to transition, citing the risk of an authoritarian transactivist ideology over the medical profession and education.

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Could Parliament have become the Trojan Horse of transactivism?

The Little Mermaid Observatory had alerted us: under the guise of strengthening the fight against sectarian excesses, provisions had been introduced by the Law Commission of the National Assembly which appeared to be legal means provided to propagandists tranny to prosecute therapists who hesitate to agree to requests for “gender transition” made by their patients, even if they are minors.

What, in the current Anglo-American gibberish, is called an "affirmation of identity" - meaning a subjective statement, a speech made by the patient concerning his or her feelings of sexual identity - could, as long as the practitioner does not blindly grant it, be assimilated to "conversion therapy", which is explicitly sanctioned by law (art. 225-4-13 of the penal code resulting from the law of January 31, 2022).

But above all, it was the new provisions concerning the capacity of associations intervening in the field of sectarian aberrations to act as civil parties that were most worrying. Not only because they provided for the removal of the requirement for the victim's consent to "conversion therapy" when they find themselves in a situation of psychological or physical subjection - which has never been the evidence of a simple fact of observation - but also because this opened the door wide to the offensive and destabilizing maneuvers of pro-conversion lobbies.tranny.

Now, we already know how much lobbies of this type do not skimp on the means to make their views triumph. Mikhail Kostylev1, in a precisely documented analysis published on the website of the Observatory of Identity Ideologies, showed us how, under the guise – if one can say so – of a collective of “conversion therapy survivors”, #NothingToHeal, some LGTB+, gay and Catholic activists had done everything to try to have the Catholic Church condemned by accusing it of "acts of torture" on the grounds that it maintained its doctrine of "sin" against homosexuality. Their lobbying of parliamentarians, supported by campaigns in the media, had almost borne fruit if it had not been for a government surge that perceived in extremis the probable unconstitutionality of the proposed law. Especially since the said proven cases of torture had been sought in the practices of some evangelical sects in North America. But this will not be enough to disarm our activists who will resume both their media campaigns and their pressure on parliamentarians.

It was therefore a company of the same ilk that we had to deal with with the bill debated in Committee. It will be adopted by the National Assembly on February 14, 2024 after significant debates, particularly on its most contentious Article 4. The final wording will allay fears and will even tend to reverse the targeted incrimination in favor of cautious practitioners in matters of gender transition.2The text is now being sent to a Joint Committee.

If the hopes of transactivists were thus disappointed, it remains that their capacities for action seem limitless and most underhanded. Because this time it was less a question of discrediting the doctrine of a religious cult than of submitting a professional sector to the ideological rule of ayatollahs of transidentity. It was nothing less than forcing every therapist, whatever their specialty, to support the requester of "gender transition" and to behave purely and simply as a sycophant of the "transitioner". Which would have undoubtedly constituted a serious breach of medical ethics, particularly by increasingly transforming the "singular conversation" of the practitioner with his patient into an obligatory service counter. But beyond that, a form of totalitarian control of the medical profession would have been established by what has never been anything more than a core of totally self-centered activists who are largely insensitive to the real psychological problems of patients reporting "gender dysphoria."

Forcing a professional sector by law to adopt the most lax practices towards individuals declaring “gender dysphoria” can only be described as an authoritarian act. In this case, it would be an authoritarian act responding solely to the wishes of a handful of activists. tranny obsessed by the outrageous demonstrations carried out by their North American counterparts and beyond, while, both on the side of medical authorities and that of parents of school-age children, the most serious questions are being asked about the individual and collective effects of the "gender transitions" that States, such as France, facilitate if not encourage among younger generations.

We know how, in order to remove the ideological barriers limiting the freedom of individuals to live in the gender physiognomy that their dysphoria had revealed, many States have facilitated medical and surgical sex conversions, particularly within so-called gender transition clinics. Since then, many States have backtracked because ethical procedures were not always respected and the beneficial effects for transitioners were not established. Moreover, over time, the decline in requests for "detransition" revealed how the public authorities, like a fraction of the medical professions, had acted thoughtlessly in this matter by giving in too easily to the ideological sirens of trans activists.3.

We also know that more and more parents of school-age children are worried about seeing these same activists disguised as sex educators intervene in schools. Sex education has in fact been included in the Education Code since the law of July 4, 2001 and a 2018 circular clarified its scope, however by entrusting it to associations or approved but poorly controlled private organizations, sex education for children and adolescents has become a gateway for propaganda tranny with this audience.

Add the firepower of influencers on so-called social networks and we get the epidemic of requests for transition among young teenage girls who doubt how they will be able to become balanced and satisfied women in our societies in the grip of a "war of belonging" (sexual and other) that is insidiously setting in. An epidemic that is contained, certainly, but alarming enough for the National Academy of Medicine to issue a press release to the medical community "on the growing demand for care in the context of gender transidentity in children and adolescents" and make some recommendations in the direction of caution, psychological support and the development of scientific knowledge.4.

We therefore understand that the lobbies tranny are working hard to spread their rainbow ideology stamped LGBT+ and stipulated as "progressive and emancipatory", they do not hesitate to do whatever it takes to remove obstacles when they appear or when certain institutions start to thwart their hopes.

Is it the fear that medical circles will take a closer look at their own practices in this area and possibly formulate more precise and clearer guidelines regarding potentially "transitioning" children and adolescents that has redoubled the ardor of the propagandists? tranny towards parliamentarians? In any case, it is clear that they are trying to light a counter-fire by encouraging them to consider that any reservation on the part of a doctor or therapist faced with a request for gender transition, particularly from a child or adolescent, must be considered the equivalent of "conversion therapy". Parliament almost subscribed to this strange semantic reversal which threatened the medical profession with SLAPP suits, these repeated trials which intimidate and paralyze action. If it had approved the recommendations of the Law Commission of the National Assembly, it would only have acted as a Trojan Horse on behalf of the lobbies transactivists.



  1. See Mikhail Kostylev, “How “conversion therapies” became an LGBT+ political weapon: investigation”, Observatory of identity ideologies, September 25, 2023.

  2. See Bill No. 241, amended by the National Assembly, aimed at strengthening the fight against sectarian excesses and improving support for victims, In particular, proposal to insert an article 223–1–2 in the penal code.

  3. See for example the French-language documentary Trans Express, Episode of Thursday February 29, 2024, Pasquale Turbide, Michael Deetjens, Gabriel Allard Gagnon, Jason Reed, Radio-Canada.

  4. Press release of February 25, 2022 from the National Academy of Medicine entitled “Medicine and gender transidentity in children and adolescents”.

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