Ridicule does not kill the Parisian municipality

Ridicule does not kill the Parisian municipality

Nathalie Heinich

Researcher, sociologist
Woke neo-feminism does not spare the publications of the City of Paris, as evidenced by the latest Petit Journal of the 12th arrondissement. Regarding the development project for Place Félix Éboué, intended to "redevelop the square for the benefit of pedestrians", we read: "After several months of consultations with Parisians, local residents, shopkeepers, but also all users, Place Félix Éboué will radically transform (sic) for everyone."

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Ridicule does not kill the Parisian municipality

Woke neo-feminism does not spare the publications of the City of Paris, as evidenced by the latest small diary of the 12th arrondissement. About the development project for Place Félix Éboué, intended to " redevelop the square for the benefit of pedestrians ", we read: " After several months of consultations with Parisians, local residents, shopkeepers, and all users, Place Félix Éboué will be radically transformed (sic) for all"

Ah, I can't wait to discover the square thus redesigned for the happiness of passers-by and lovers, and which will also delight lovers of bicycles and scooters, drivers of cars and buses, taxi drivers, bakers, butchers, traffic officers, dog owners, and even street vendors, smokers, thieves and prostitutes...

Molière, Molière, why aren't you still among us to feast on these ridiculous do-gooders!

The writers (sorry: the writers) of this prose brought up to date with woke tastes have probably never heard of universalist feminism, which instead of affirming the feminine in all circumstances to better “make visible” women aims for equality between men and women by suspending the difference between the sexes in contexts where it is not relevant. They (oh no: not “they and they” – that’s enough!) have clearly never read the linguists (notably those at our Observatory) who point out the absurdity of the confusion between sex and grammatical gender. They have never thought about the dual use of the masculine gender in French, which serves as a neutral gender when necessary, offering us the “rest of the neutral” that allows us to free ourselves from the obligatory assignment to an identity box. No: they have simply let themselves be persuaded that by not following to the letter the new fashion imposed by communitarian feminism they would be nasty reactionary sexists – and therefore unapproachable. Would we still talk to them at the coffee machine if they refused to play the precious ridiculousness of woke activism?

Cowardice, stupidity and conformism, what nonsense we commit in your name! And as we thus pave the way for the RN and its attempts to appropriate the fight against inclusive writing...

But have our municipal editors thought carefully about the waste of useless paper and ink that these long-winded sentences cause? In these times of inflation and climate change, what are the environmentalists on the Paris Council doing to protest against this aberration?

Ah, that's right: they are fighting against the invisibility of women by imposing inclusive writing!


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