Transgenderism: 8 reasons for its dazzling success

Transgenderism: 8 reasons for its dazzling success

Pauline Arrighi

Independent journalist, specialist in women's rights and bioethics, Pauline Arrighi has published "Crimes et délits cocasses", "Et si le féminisme nous rendes heureux?" as well as "Les Ravages du Genre" (The Ravages of Gender)
The defense of transgender people excites the masses, touches individuals and interests companies. What "oppressed minority" can boast such a hold on society?

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Transgenderism: 8 reasons for its dazzling success

The defense of transgender people excites the masses, touches individuals and interests companies. What "oppressed minority" can boast such a hold on society?

Its artisans have succeeded in creating a "trans minority" victim of violence and même of large-scale murders, to the point of instituting a "World Transgender Day of Remembrance". This image of vulnerability coexists seamlessly with the displayed support of all institutions and the most powerful multinationals: GAFAM, Coca-Cola, Paypal, Accenture, the luxury industry, and of course the pharmaceutical industry.

Polymorphous, transgenderism convinces very diverse profiles for various reasons. A multitude of factors explain this craze.

1. A new cause to defend for the progressive camp

The Anglo-Saxon and then European progressive camp has launched into a passionate defense of “trans rights.” Trans activists have created a status of sexual minority for a group that includes both children who are prescribed puberty blockers and trans-identified billionaires who invest in the pharmaceutical industry. These activists have succeeded in establishing a false parallel with homosexuality. When it is suggested that requests for transitions by minors should be conditional on a psychiatric assessment, they respond: “you say that we are mentally ill, but that is false, in the same way that homosexuals were considered ill, wrongly.” The acceptance of trans identity will follow the same path as that of homosexuality. Defending every trans claim is being on the side of Good, while criticizing their discourse makes you an odious person, therefore guilty.

2. Suicide blackmail and guilt

Convinced that trans people are an oppressed minority, the general public can be impressed by repeated speeches about the suicidality of transgender people, when all it takes is a transition to save their lives. No independent study shows that transition reduces the risk of suicide.1, but any well-meaning neophyte will be paralyzed by these repeated assertions.

3. The return of sexist stereotypes

Despite what those who claim to have a monopoly on progressivism say, the notion of gender identity is retrograde. It redefines the words "man" and "woman" by replacing simple biological criteria with sexist stereotypes. What can "feeling like a woman" mean, regardless of the reality of one's body, if not claiming a supposed sensitivity or behavior "like a woman"?

As early as 1930, Danish painter Einar Wegener used sexist stereotypes to justify his need for surgical transition. In his memoirs, he wrote: "I don't want to be an artist, I want to be a woman." He describes the personality of the double that lives within him: "Lili is futile, superficial, capricious: a woman."2

In our time, young trans influencers explain: "You have to ask yourself if there are things that a little girl would not have done. (…) For example, when I was little, I walked around topless all the time." Dr. Alexander Korte, a psychiatrist at the Munich University Hospital, deplores this: "These days, deviations from the norm are surgically removed."

While the "tomboys" come to believe that they are not really girls and organize Litchee collections for their "mammec"3, Californian influencer Dylan Mulvaney stages herself as a "girl" with a lot of pastel makeup, goofy giggles and flirtatiousness.4 It would have been a joke in bad taste if he had not been chosen as the face of Nike's women's collection.5 and received by Joe Biden to discuss trans issues in the United States6.

4. Homophobia (barely) concealed

Christine Jorgensen, who underwent surgery in Copenhagen in the 1950s, wrote: "My emotions are those of a woman, or a homosexual." In this case, he decided to consider himself a woman. Homosexuality, he wrote, "contradicted my religious beliefs."7

In our time, it turns out that 41% of young people who begin a transition were not heterosexual.8 Could there be a link between homosexuality and transgender identity, as was the case for Jorgensen?

On YouTube, “Héléna”, a trans-identified man, says: “My family reacted very badly when I told them: I’m gay”9. After her transition to female gender, however, the announcement "I am a woman who likes men" was well accepted. For many families, it is better to have a straight daughter than a gay son, or vice versa, and gender transition is a relief. As paradoxical as it may seem, gender transition can represent a form of conversion therapy.

5. Exhilarating stories

The success of the film Granddaughter10, like that of all transitional stories, is linked to the fact that it has the same structure as tales: the hero pursues a quest, he must confront opposing forces, here the school institution; to triumph by fulfilling himself, in the tradition of the initiatory story.

Who wants to be demoralized by Sasha's mother's line, uttered in front of the little boy: "I wanted a girl. When I found out I was having a boy, I was very disappointed" ...? Just as no one wants to hear about the sexual trauma that can lead a young girl to hate her female body. The public prefers to stick to a galvanizing story.

6. A neo-liberal avatar

With the ideal of self-fulfillment, transgenderism fits perfectly into the hyper-individualism and tyranny of desires specific to neoliberal capitalism. This ideology does not clash with anything that is not already familiar. Transgender youth ignore the common good in favor of staging themselves on TikTok and demanding access to the bathroom of their choice.

This ideology is also fueled by a multitude of multinational companies.

7. A large-scale investment

The transactivist movement is all the more powerful because it is supported by firms that have every interest inêt to its expansion. Since lThe socialization of transgender youth takes place almost exclusively through social networks, which are the largest providers of personal data that companies can exploit. As for the pharmaceutical industry, which finances lobbying organizations and research work, it is obvious that it sees the lifelong consumption of hormones as a return on investment.11.

8. The dream of ultimate freedom

The possibility of transgenderism represents the promise of total self-control. The truth of your being lies within you and no one has the right to contest it. The body indicates nothing about who you are, it can even be mutilated to reveal your true self.

The reality of gender division is a limitation almost as unbearable as illness and death. On the contrary, the affirmation of a disembodied gender gives the illusion of freedom from the limits imposed by our biology.

This fallacious dichotomy between a body that is only failure and a mind that gives access to a higher truth is the fruit of a long spiritual tradition. Now, the dream of overcoming human limitations is pursued most ardently by the transhumanist movement. Moreover, the billionaires who support transgenderism are working just as seriously to make us immortal.12.

Transgenderism is the perfect ideology. It gives a guarantee of open-mindedness, while being retrograde. It suggests that the tragedy of youth suicide can be resolved by a change of first name. Although simplistic, it is stunning in its cognitive distortions and mysticism.



  1. On the contrary, a 2024 American study shows that after surgical transition, the risk of suicide increases.ès-une-chirurgie-d-affirmation-de-genre Another study conducted in Finland refutes the presence of a significant link between transition and suicide risk.é-par-suicide-chez-les-adolescents-et-les-jeunes-adultes-dysphoriques-en-finlande-segm

  2. I provide details on the festive crowdfunding campaigns dedicated to the sexual mutilation of minors in The Ravages of Gender, published in 2023 by Éditions du Cerf

  3. Christine Jorgensen, Man Into Woman, A Comparative Scholarly Edition, 1933

  4. Lisa LITTMAN, “Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria”, ESPE Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology, August 16, 2018

  5. On the YouTube channel “Ambr'ouille”

  6. Granddaughter, documentary film by Sébastien Lifshitz produced by Arte, broadcast on Arte in December 2020 then on Netflix in 2021 and again on Arte in October 2022.

  7. On the subject of funding for transgenderism by multinational firms and the business of reproduction, see the blog The 11th Hour by investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek

  8. See in particular the trans-identified billionaire Martine Rothblatt and her work Virtually Human, The Promise and The Peril of Digital Immortality, prefaced by Ray Kurweil, St Martin's Press, 2014

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