When theology returns to the university: what the “Meetings on ecological professions” at the IEP of Grenoble reveal

When theology returns to the university: what the “Meetings on ecological professions” at the IEP of Grenoble reveal

Vincent Tournier

Lecturer in political science at the IEP of Grenoble.
Are our students ready to give up such stays to bring their actions "in line" with their values? Are they ready to launch a call for a boycott of Erasmus? Will they advocate sober university exchanges, in the style of short circuits, like Grenoble-Chambéry but no further?

Table of contents

When theology returns to the university: what the “Meetings on ecological professions” at the IEP of Grenoble reveal

[by Vincent Tournier]

That a certain ecology has sunk into religion is not a surprise. What is more original, and much more worrying, is to see to what extent theology is now gaining ground in all higher education. As proof, we can see the "Meetings on the professions of ecology" », organized at the IEP of Grenoble, where the content of the remarks strangely reconnects with a spiritual mysticism which makes one wonder what it is doing here. 

We have no idea to what extent the university has been won over by the return of religion. The IEP Grenoble affair had already shown that a part of the university community, students and teachers alike, was taking up the cause of a religion, in this case Islam, which it intended to be the zealous defender of.

But the problem turns out to be much deeper. In reality, it is a whole spiritual culture that now permeates the academic world. Jean-François Braunstein demonstrated this with Wokism, this theological-political movement whose originality is to have been conceived not in the depths of the woods by a vague guru, but in the great Western universities.1. Other examples point in the same direction, from gender theory to the rehabilitation of race and inclusive writing, all dogmas which find a surprising echo among academics. 

It turns out that this spiritual culture is not only manifested in the great conceptual debates. It is also revealed on the occasion of micro-events that occur here and there, seemingly innocuous, but highly revealing of current excesses. As proof, we can see the "Meetings for an Ecology of Professions" which are being held at the IEP in Grenoble on November 23 and 24, 2022. 

If this event is of interest, it is not so much because it brings together in a joyful communion all the local institutional elite2, even if we are always surprised to see such a political-academic ecosystem materialize in the university premises. What is most disturbing is above all to see what the program says (which can be found in the appendix), a sort of breviary intended for young generations anxious about the end of time and thirsty for salvation. 

In search of purity

What is an “ecology of professions”? If this formulation seems strange (we would rather expect to read something like: “environmental professions”), it is not by chance. 

The text presenting these Meetings provides an initial clarification (the bold characters are in the text, as well as the inclusive writing, of course): 

"Faced with the current and future socio-ecological upheavals, many young people and adults seek to engage as actors in the transition. Finding a job that matches their values has become a priority. Many professions do not yet exist, others are undergoing a complete transformation and some will disappear. 

The Meetings for an ecology of professions will allow us to reflect and discuss on the professions, professional structures, and forms of commitment to work which enable action to be taken in the service of the ecological transition”.

One might think that there is nothing very original in this. After all, many people are looking for a job that will allow them to realize the values ​​they hold dear: caregivers, teachers, soldiers, police officers, and many others, including bosses, in fact anyone who intends to do useful work, in this case helping others or their country, which can be done in many ways. 

However, the Meetings do not correspond to this case. What is targeted here has nothing to do with the traditional model of the vocation where everyone seeks the job that seems most in line with their values. 

In this case, the purpose is not the exercise of a profession, but the realization of a morality. Contrary to what one might suspect, the Meetings do not aim to expose professions or sectors possibly linked to ecology, which would be difficult because no IEP training leads to this type of profession.3 ; it is about designing the profession as a means of implementing values. 

In this respect, it would be more accurate to speak of'entryism', or even logic missionary : it is about integrating an organization to change it from the inside. This is what the conference openly advocates " Is it possible to change from within? " where we will explain that it is possible to... (our emphasis)

« transform the company, the institution, for that it fits with my values ». 

We are therefore far from a simple professional orientation, or a sort of job dating, which would involve starting with each individual to find, based on their personal profile, the job that suits them best. The goal is not to find the right professional outlet to learn the techniques and knowledge, it is to work to make reality conform to a predefined ideal. 

Help yourself and heaven will help you

The term entryism is not, however, entirely satisfactory. To fully grasp what is at stake, one must carefully read the description of the conference entitled " Welcoming and living with your eco-anxiety ", where the spiritual dimension appears in all its force (our emphasis and bold):

"Faced with ecological issues, multiple emotions can emerge. The ecological and social transition can be experienced as a burden or a hindrance to daily life. But it can also generate hope, motivation, hope. Our guests will take you on a journey of discovery of the different types of possible reactions and in particular to meet inner ecologywhich allows convert the initially distressing ecological findings in one healthy strength and driving force”.

This passage, which is reminiscent of a Jehovah's Witnesses brochure, has the merit of exposing the heart of the problem: it combines on the one hand the anguish felt in the face of the coming catastrophe, and on the other hand the need to rediscover hope, which involves the discovery of one's "inner ecology", a sort of modern grace which allows one to attain holiness. 

The same pattern where conversion and revelation are mixed is repeated in the workshop " Views of my world " where it is said as a revelation that the participants will be able to " embody new narratives, new ways of seeing the world ", so that, in this way...

"...you will have concrete ideas for converting ecological findings initially distressing in one fhealthy and motor force ». 

Obviously, this formula of the " healthy and driving force » was very popular with the organizers since it was repeated twice. However, does it have its place in the university setting? Let's not quibble and instead agree on its beauty: does it not operate a successful syncretism between the ardent faith stemming from Revelation, in the image of Bernadette Soubirous, a passionate romanticism exalting the interiority of the soul and a sort of post-modern esoteric animism, all against the backdrop of the Star Wars saga? may the force be with you ? 

The contrast between an anguishing present and a future made of promises of redemption nevertheless implies an implicit parameter: the corruption of the world. We understand, in fact, without the organizers needing to specify it, that the current world is soiled, impure, corrupt. 

To work in these conditions would lead to self-corruption. That is why it is time to act. Sorting waste and virtuous consumption are not enough. In the past, it was necessary to do penance and redeem one's sins. Today, one must bring out one's inner ecological strength.

To encourage conversions, the program plans to hear the testimonies of those who saved their souls by changing jobs. These illustrious predecessors will be presented during the café-debate " How did I change my job? "These are already Blessed Ones: they have gained the supreme stage of nirvana. 

The community of the Chosen. 

The program of the Meetings is addressed to a community of individuals who think of themselves as a specific group, distinct from the rest of society, probably touched by Grace. This is shown by the following passage from the program (again our emphasis and bold):

"At a time when several of us seek to engage as actors in the transition, find a career consistent with our values has become a priority (…). Join We will also discuss what place and what meaning we wish give to work in our lives and in a society in full upheaval.

The circle of initiates is a small circle. We are among ourselves. We understand each other. We are from the same world and we have the same values. No need to say more: everyone knows what we are talking about. 

For those who still have doubts about the direction of these values, a café-debate provides some clarifications: " Cooperatives, a solution? ". The question mark, taken up again later in the text (" Working in a cooperative, a real solution for finding meaning in your work? "), is only there to look good because the rest of the text does not hide the enthusiasm of the organizers: 

"We don't really understand what it's about [when we talk about a cooperative] but it all looks wonderful ». 

The promise of ecstasy is at the end of the road. We suspect then, by reading such a program, that it is not tomorrow that we will see in the premises of the IEP an event of the type: " Security professions meetings ", or " Meetings of the Nation's professions ", with a comment that would be as follows: " These meetings are aimed at all those looking for a career consistent with our values ».

The community of the chosen may aim for redemption, but the said values ​​remain very specific. The ecological force is resolutely collectivist. We can better understand the suffering that future converts must feel: not only will they have to exercise an impure profession that will make them participate in the destruction of the Planet, but in addition they will have to endorse an execrable commercial system. Double punishment, therefore, but fortunately the redemption through inner strength will be all the more enjoyable.  

Me and the Planet

In this noble project of redemption, there is still a notable absence, and this is another major divergence from the model of vocation: at no time is there any question of others. This void appears flagrantly in the conference " What is my dream job? " which clearly displays total indifference towards third parties:

"How do you know what m'attracts, what me vibrates to put it in the heart of ma professional life? What place do I want to give to mon profession in ma life? What would make that mon activity would make sense for me and for the future of the planet ? "

Apart from the use of the first person, typical of sectarian propaganda targeting narcissistic flaws, everything here is reduced to two entities: the Self and the Planet. At no time is it said that the goal is to improve the fate of one's neighbor. Others, don't know: only I must be saved, and possibly the Planet. 

But what does saving the Planet mean? We will never know, but we understand that this rescue does not involve improving the fate of humanity. The poor must stay where they are: in any case, they are doomed, and helping them would only hasten the end of time. The only question that matters is: what can I do to live in peace with myself, to ease my suffering? 

In this impure world, where polluters abound and lead us to the great slaughterhouse of the final Apocalypse, the only thing that matters is the salvation of those who share "our values". We may not save the Planet, but we will at least have saved its soul. The Self will be healed of its anxieties. It will be carried by a force that will allow it to peacefully cross the great chaos that the prophets announce. 

The new Tartuffe

The IEP of Grenoble is obviously not solely responsible for this mystical delirium. The impetus comes from the top. The latest law on the university, adopted on December 24, 2020, set a new objective for higher education, now included in the Education Code: " awareness and training on the challenges of ecological transition and sustainable development ». 

Social pressure is considerable. Everything pushes towards it. The quest for virtue and the anxiety of salvation are displayed everywhere. In its journal, to present the European Horizon Europe program which aims to "make 100 cities climate neutral by 2030", the CNRS headlines: " More virtuous cities for the climate » (May 3, 2022).

The media hail the gesture of the students who announce their desire to leave the corrupt world to enter into hope, as does France Inter in a report devoted to " These young people who are turning their backs on the climate "(https://ww

But if the pressure is strong, nothing obliges universities to be more papist than the pope. The law does not speak of "inner ecology" and "healthy and driving force"; it does not require universities, at least one still wants to believe so, to become faculties of theology again where the Holy Spirit replaces the critical spirit and Passion replaces Reason.

The environmental cause is serious and certainly deserves better than this vast hypocrisy. Because hypocrisy is not left behind. The new logo of the IEP of Grenoble, currently being finalized, thus provides for a new slogan: "Open to the worlds". Beyond this ridiculous plural (are we thinking of extending Erasmus to the planet Mars? Or do we want to indicate that there are several civilizations?), this slogan reminds us that universities have become largely internationalized. Stays abroad, which often take place in the four corners of the world, even constitute one of the major promotional arguments. 

Are our students prepared to give up such stays in order to bring their actions "in line" with their values? Are they prepared to call for a boycott of Erasmus? Will they advocate sober university exchanges, in the style of short circuits, such as Grenoble-Chambéry but no further? Beyond that, are they prepared to give up the comforts of modern life, in which case they must immediately interrupt their studies and go and live in the woods, where they will certainly have an easier time bringing out their inner ecological strength? 


Meetings for an ecology of professions – November 23 and 24 – Sciences Po Grenoble UGA


We are pleased to invite you to the Meetings for an ecology of professions which will be held at Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA Wednesday evening, November 23 et all day Thursday, November 24.
Faced with current and future social and ecological upheavals, many young people and adults seek to engage as actors in the transition. Finding a job that matches their values has become a priority. Many professions do not yet exist, others are undergoing a complete transformation and some will disappear. 
The Meetings for an ecology of professions will allow us to reflect and discuss on professions, professional structures, and forms of commitment to work that enable action to serve the ecological transition
These meetings are organized by students of the Master's in Ecological Transitions at Sciences Po Grenoble and the association Together for Earth, with the support of Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA, the City of Grenoble and Grenoble Capitale Verte. 
Structured around conferences, debate cafés or workshops with more than twenty speakers·are with diverse backgrounds, they are open to all interested personsOn the program (below): round tables, debate cafés, workshops (registration required). 

All information about the program and participants·They are available on the event website.


Screening of the film Breaks
Wednesday, November 23, 18:00 p.m. – 20:00 p.m.
Amphi A

As a preamble to the day of meetings, we offer you the screening of the film “Ruptures” directed by Arthur Gosset and co-produced by Hélène Cloitre.

Welcome and breakfast
8h45 - 9h

Opening and signing of the Grenoble Agreement
9h - 9h15
Auditorium B

Speakers: Sabine Saurugger (director of Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA), Arnaud Buchs (Environmental Responsibility Officer at Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA), Maloe Roger (Convention for the Transition of Higher Education Establishments) and Simon Persico (co-head of the Master in Ecological Transitions)

The public signing of the Grenoble agreement demonstrates the institution's commitment to accelerating the socio-ecological transition in higher education. 

Conference: Transition of professions, professions in Transition?
9 pm - 15 am
Auditorium B

Speakers: Anaïs Eon Duval (project manager at Grenoble Alpes Métropole) and the student organizers (Anne, Thomas, Hugo, Tom , Clara, Pierre, Clement)

At a time when many of us are looking to get involved as actors in the transition, finding a job that is consistent with our values ​​has become a priority. Many jobs do not yet exist, others are undergoing a complete transformation and some will disappear. This conference will provide an overview of jobs related to the ecological transition and the changes underway in the world of work. We will also discuss what place and meaning we want to give to work in our lives and in a society in full upheaval.

Conference: Welcoming and living with your eco-anxiety

11h - 12h30

Auditorium B

Intervenants: Robin Amaz (speaker and teacher), Yoan Svejcar (ecopsychologist)

Faced with ecological issues, multiple emotions can emerge. The ecological and social transition can be experienced as a burden or a brake on daily life. But it can also generate hope, motivation, and expectation. Our guests will take you to discover the different types of possible reactions and in particular to the encounter with inner ecology which allows you to convert initially distressing ecological observations into a healthy and driving force.

Café-debate: Cooperatives, a solution?
11h - 12h30
Quermonne Room

Speakers: Marco Della Corte (founder of several cooperatives), Pauline Prunier (responsible for relations in a cooperative) 

We hear more and more about it. Cooperatives, SCOPs, SCICs… We don’t really understand what they are, but they all seem wonderful. Our two guests for this café-debate will try to dissect the functioning of this new type of structure that is spreading in France. Is working in a cooperative a real solution for finding meaning in your work?

Lunch break
12h30 - 14h

Café-debate: How did I change my job?
14h - 15h30
Auditorium B

Speakers: Adeline Anglaret (market gardener), Gauthier Urban (co-manager/bicycle delivery person and mid-mountain guide), Jerome Santarini (market gardener and public policy designer)

The Covid pandemic has accentuated the questioning of the place of work in our lives. Even executive positions in the ecological transition are no longer as dreamy (loss of meaning, quality of life, etc.). Isn't ecology also about finding a more human and lively relationship with work? Come and meet three professionals who have changed jobs to seek more autonomy and fulfillment.

Workshop: What is my dream job?
14h - 15h30 
16h - 17h30
19 room

Speakers: Anne Berthet (agroforestry engineer and facilitator), Celia David-Mauduit (collective intelligence facilitator)

How do I know what attracts me, what makes me vibrate, to put it at the heart of my professional life? What place do I want to give to my job in my life? What would make my activity meaningful for me and for the future of the planet? A workshop led by two collective intelligence facilitators, both collaborative and sensitive, to answer all these questions together and answer them personally.

Workshop: Views on my world
14h - 15h30
22 room
Speaker: Robin Amaz (speaker and teacher)

Different workshops will allow you to embody new stories, new ways of seeing the world. Through experiments, you will have concrete ways to convert initially distressing ecological observations into a healthy and driving force. The workshop will also offer you ways to give more meaning to your studies, your work and your commitments.

Café-debate: Change from within, is it possible?
16h - 17h30
Auditorium B

Speakers: Chloe Monnier (engineer in a consulting firm), Romain Beaucher (co-founder of a public policy design agency), Lilian Vargas (Head of the Agriculture, Forest, Biodiversity, Mountain Department at Grenoble-Alpes Métropole)

Will I be able to transform the company, the institution, so that it aligns with my values? Many young graduates ask themselves this question. For some, reorienting a company or public institution towards an ecologically virtuous model seems like an illusion, or even a sweet dream. This café-debate in the presence of actors who are changing things from the inside, will provide some answers to your questions.

Writing workshop: Let’s imagine the jobs of 2040
14h - 17h
23 room

Speakers: Guillaume Douady (writing workshop facilitator), Laurence Druon (writing workshop facilitator)

We invite you to collectively invent stories of desirable futures, with characters who live in 2040, in a world where society and work have changed profoundly. New jobs have appeared, and now the "ecology of work and jobs" that we dreamed of in 2020 has come to fruition. 

3-hour workshop led by professionals. 

Discussions over a drink at the Round Table



  1.  Jean-François Braunstein, Woke religion, Grasset, 2022.

  2.  The organizers of this event are the IEP of Grenoble, the University of Grenoble-Alpes, the association "Together fot Earth", the master's degree "Ecological Transitions", as well as the City of Grenoble, which is specified on this occasion as "green capital".

  3.  See for example the list proposed by ONISEP: “Jobs and employment in the environment”, October 22, 2022 (https://www.onisep.fr/decouvrir-les-metiers/des-metiers-par-secteur/environnement/les-metiers-et-l-emploi-dans-l-environnement). 

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