Classical academic disciplines like sociology or anthropology, whose raison d'être is to dissect all aspects of the phenomenon being studied, have been replaced by "studies": race studies, gender studies, colonial studies, etc., and even "fat studies" (fat studies), which do nothing but endlessly repeat the same refrains of victimization of the "oppressed", of supremacism exercised by the white patriarchy on Blacks, women, transgender people, the colonized, the handicapped, the fat and other categories of people whose ontological richness is denied by this essentialism which only considers one facet of their real identity. But fortunately, the gender liberation movements are there to fight against this odious conformism. Two examples taken from the announcements found on university sites.
A junior LGBTI laboratory (+ if affinities)
I'm not making this up: there is indeed a "junior LGBTI+ laboratory" at Jean-Jaurès University in Toulouse.1. Jaurès, wake up: they have gone mad! This laboratory is organizing a conference in December2, supported by various public bodies. Surprisingly, its wording is missing a Q…
I confess that I intend to submit a summary in order to present my personal transition to an age corresponding to my deepest feelings: "Fifteen years old! Oh Juliet! The age of Romeo!" I am not sure that age transitions are not as well perceived by these LGBTI+ "juniors" as gender transitions, alas! And in addition, I do not have an account on TikTok, which is surely a showstopper in their eyes. Wouldn't they be somewhat gerontophobic?
An Unpredictable Direction of Eroticism in the Professions of Political Science
It is another Toulouse team that announces the webinar of a lecturer from Nantes, Marc Jahjah, thus titled: "From the auto-ethnography of sexual racism to intellectual activism: investigating and intervening as a queer scientist of color". This title left me dreaming... It's like for photos: are there "black and white" queers and "colored" queers? What color? We don't know. It must be said that the self-presentation of this Jahjah is fascinating: he tells us that he "investigates sexual racism in gay contexts, initially from [his] experience and now from other fields (online interracial amateur pornography)".
I'm not making this up: this boy is therefore paid by the State to watch intersex porn videos. And to share his fantasies with us: the title of one of his articles is as follows: "“Dominant Arab for submissive white”: racial categories in the contemporary gay web". Ah! If it had been "Dominant white for submissive Arab", what would we not have heard from the good souls who would have seen in it the mark of the patriarchy of the white-homosexual-man-under-fifty (let's change it a bit, for once! Let's get away from the clichés...). Among the titles of the other articles of this very sipping Jahjah, there is talk of the "unpredictable direction of eroticism", which made me think - since we are, as we will soon see, in political science - of this Vendée senator from the IVe Republic which was called Coudé du Foresto.
There is also the word "scientist" in the title of his webinar.3 : you can be both a queer person of color and a scientist, that doesn't bother me. But it can't be as queer people of color that we do science! I am both white, a father and a scientist, but it is not as white and father of a family that I do science. In both cases, it is as thinking and educated beings (and incidentally recognized and appointed academics) that he and I do science. And if a sociologist studies the place and role of white fathers4 or queers of color in the production of science, he must ignore his personal situation. Fortunately, our Jahjah still realizes that he is not a scientist, despite the title of his talk, because he tells us that he seeks to “protect himself from the risks of speaking out beyond the scientific framework.” And this, he tells us, “at a time when the social sciences are increasingly under attack by conservative politicians.” Arrrgh! I sense the hand of the right—what am I saying, the far right—in the disapproval he is trying to protect himself from…
Let us point out that this prolific author is a lecturer in ancient and modern literature... This is literary modernity: a professor of literature at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Tiphaine Samoyault, banned Balzac, on the grounds that "some of these texts carry values that are no longer those of today5 "Certainly, "today's values" are more present on the YouTubes of "interracial amateur online pornography" than on the dusty shelves of libraries.
As for the team that announces the good news of this webinar, it is the "National Association of Candidates for Political Science Professions (ANCMSP)". We remember that a valiant potential candidate for the Paris City Hall had withdrawn6 after having himself practiced amateur pornography online, but it is true that she was neither gay nor interracial… What devious paths is political science heading towards? You will know this if you join this association, which “lives off the ardor of its active members” like brothels, in short. But you will note that it practices discrimination against its passive members (are they devoid of ardor?), and this is something to report to the Defender of Rights.