On December 15, 2022, the Café Laïque in Brussels was attacked by a pack of trans activists. Forced entry into the premises, breaking of furniture, throwing of excrement… another of these cancels violent ones that wokeism has accustomed us to.
Their target? A conference by psychoanalysts Caroline Eliacheff and Céline Masson, guilty of opposing sex change operations on children. The transactivists therefore condemned them to silence. The previous conferences in Lille and Paris had already had to be cancelled: pressure on the town hall, invasion of the room by a screaming crowd...
The Brussels attack is just one episode in the long-running censorship campaign against “gender skeptics”: in February 2024, trans activists were still blocking an SOS Education conference. Except that here – stupidity or a sense of impunity? – the harassment was organized in public on Twitter: we were able to save the messages before the activists deleted them.
This is the perfect opportunity to observe how we factory a cancel. We will see that the method of intimidation is well-established, and even graduated: slander campaign on social networks, verbal threats then physical ransacking of the premises. And, through three profiles of " TERF hunters ", who participates in it, relays them, and what their motivations are.
The beginning of the cancel
On December 13, Belgian trans circles woke up and became worried that nothing had yet been planned to prevent the conference. Several strategies were immediately proposed to discourage the public: flooding the Café Laïque with fictitious bad TripAdvisor ratings, reserving all the seats in advance so that the room would be empty… but it was too late, the room was full. What to do?
About ten transactivists debate it: none of them seem professional or even active in a known association. But if it is very improvised, the cancel is not for an unleashing of blind anger. It is the subject of advanced political calculations: we seek to evaluate the " impact » media coverage of the action depending on the importance of the target.
The target was also designated "from above", even if informally. The Trotskyist decolonial party Révolution Permanente called a week earlier for an attack on the Masson/Eliacheff conferences, in an article widely relayed by transactivists.
The author is indignant that in Issy-les-Moulineaux (conference planned for December 13), the organizer dares to resist the " bad buzz » and “ social media denunciation ", and encourages the " sabotage " events so that they are, like the previous ones " cancelled or seriously compromised ». Elsewhere, he nevertheless qualifies the cancel culture trans of " spectre agitated by the right-wing press » : go figure…
In addition to the denial, we see here another characteristic feature of the cancellations: the target is less the speakers than the organizer. This is logical: if C. Eliacheff and C. Masson were likely to give in, they would have done so a long time ago. Like all opponents of transgender ideology, they have received more than their share of slander and death threats on social networks. The organizer is an easier target: he has material interests (the premises) or immaterial interests (his reputation) to protect. The prospect of being labeled "transphobic" or having his room trashed would cool more than one person. In Lille on November 17, it is he who throws in the towel: a screaming crowd of 200 people invades the place, drowns out the speakers' voices and threatens to destroy everything. In Paris three days later, the premises used belong to the city hall, very deconstructed : a few phone calls from activists, supported by the LGBT+ association Act-Up, were enough to have the event cancelled.
In Brussels, our transactivists will try to repeat the maneuver – intimidate the Café Laïque into canceling the conference. And first start a smear campaign on Twitter, launched by a die-hard “TERF hunter”: JadeWhirl.
“JadeWhirl” – Online Slander and Phone Harassment
A Belgian activist in his thirties living in France, "Jade" defines herself as a "trans woman" and "lesbian activist": she is therefore a man attracted to women, but who claims to be a "woman" and a "radical feminist". Very committed, a hagiographic article even describes it as a " woman rampart » defending trans people against TERFs (feminists who reject transgender ideology) on social media. Faced with their « clothes ", he says he studies the " rhetoric of anti-trans discourse " to counter it by analyzing it with a " critically ».
The reality is less beautiful. On social networks, the counter-argument of "Jade" is summed up
to quote a few rare articles from Gender Studies, drowned in a flood of insults – who does not think like him is " fascist ", a " echo chambers that circulate conspiracy material and far-right disinformation ", etc. – or even unbridled slander. Parents of students are demanding that we teach, not the ideology of gender, but the real difference between the sexes? Playing on words, Jade accuses them of wanting to " teaching their children about sex » (sic), to be « crazy » pedophiles members of a « anti-trans sect " from whom they must be removed urgently...
Outrageous, but not original: Jade actually repeats word for word the rhetoric of the American queer conspiracy theorist Caelan Conrad. The method is as old as the world: the mirror attack. Many psychiatrists, including Eliacheff and Masson, note " an ideological regimentation of a sectarian type " around transidentity? They themselves are accused of forming a " sect ". Are attacks in school toilets on the increase? These are the gender critic child molesters, etc.
And this will be felt: when Jade launches the defamation campaign against the Café Laïque, on November 13 at 22 p.m., he immediately accuses Eliacheff and Masson of being " ideologues linked to the Christian extreme right [sic] »... from the USA. Probably too good a student at school, "Jade" doesn't know that copying without changing a few details is a sure way to get caught.
Another of Jade's techniques: accusing the speakers of promoting " conversion therapies ", which she takes the title of " victims " It has been described in another article le hoax activist of "anti-trans therapies": never observed in France, they were nevertheless used to pass a law criminalizing any opposition to transgender ideology. Not believing in gender and saying so is immediately assimilated to a " promotion of therapies ", and is worth threatening a lawsuit.
Jade's message is widely relayed (seventeen times): other transactivists follow suit, repeating the same accusations and adding others.
Anything that can be used to sully the Café Laïque must be used, even the crudest. He posted a caricature of an Islamist from Charlie Hebdo on Twitter? This is proof of " uninhibited racism " Later, he would be accused of " uninhibited anti-Semitism "... without even bothering to explain why: let's slander, let's slander, something will always remain.
Yet, subjected to a torrent of accusatory messages, the organizer does not give in. JadeWhirl therefore moves on to the second phase: telephone harassment. She puts the number of the Café Laïque online, expressly asking her contacts to " prevent [these transphobes] from settling in quietly". Touching detail, she adds the Belgian code, so that foreign trans people can also contribute to the war of nerves: a cancel, yes, but inclusive.
Too bad for them: the Café Laïque team still isn't giving in. Worse, it " allows you to block people's numbers " who harass her, as well as their Twitter account! Our transactivists complain, without laughing, of a denial of democracy:
The activists are unaware that they have hit a snag. Reading their messages, they do not seem to know the recently created Café Laïque very well. Otherwise, they would know that it is managed by Fadila Maaroufi, an ex-Muslim opposed to Wokeism, and therefore experienced in blackmailing with “Islamophobia” and activist harassment. The whole usual cancel strategy collapses: it is based on the assumption that the organizer is the “soft underbelly” of the event. What to do if he resists?
When Jade admits the failure of the Twitter and phone harassment, it is the morning of the 15th. The conference is in a few hours: the only remaining way to prevent it is a pack invasion of the premises. But Jade (according to her) is in France: other activists will take care of it.
ModernCod – the invasion of the premises and the throwing of excrement
In the online and telephone harassment campaign, JadeWhirl is supported by the very active "MorueModerne". Living in Brussels, married, in his thirties, "Morue" defines himself as " non-binary trans woman"But above all" fluid " : that's to say " evolugenre, a-gender, woman, gender-doubt or neutral depending on the moment (sic).
Don't try to translate, this sentence is absurd. Everything is tangled or redundant: " a-genre " and " neutral » have the same meaning, « gender-doubt " and " evolugenre " have none known. And for good reason: they were apparently invented by... the person concerned himself, whose greatest pleasure is
« that we hesitate about the gender to give him "A whole militant transidentity does the same: the 10, 52, 72 “exotic” genres… are in fact mostly jokes, provocations to assert one’s militancy and irritate the “reacs”, whom conservatives are often wrong to take seriously.
In short, "MorueModerne" is therefore a man living with another man, but who defines himself as a woman, and sometimes pretends for the sake of it " between the two " Like JadeWhirl, he proudly claims his "feminist activism", here in a series of very enlightening articles. This apparently consists for him of play the woman, writing long texts as if he had the body: " How and why I no longer wash my vagina and vulva » (sic), « which bra fits me "Etc.
We now understand the "transfeminists" better: appropriating the women's fight is another way of dreaming of being one - and so what if reality, logic, and women themselves suffer from it. The dream must continue at all costs, even if it means demanding forced homosexual relations: according to MorueModerne, no man should refuse to sleep with a "trans woman" unoperated like him. « Building sexuality on the presence or absence of certain genitals is abstruse,” he declares. « [Not wanting to sleep with] those of us who have a penis is therefore transphobic in essence, but above all transmisogynistic and homophobic” (sic).
When one goes so far into fantasy, the very existence of a dissonant voice is unbearable.
Of all the transactivists, MorueModerne is the most relentless and filthy towards female speakers: from the " manure ", of the " shit ", etc. The irony is that here everything role model feminine is abandoned. Followed to the letter to discuss intimate rags and gels, it is conveniently forgotten when it comes to going to break the face of his political enemies. MorueModerne pushes from the start to organize a raid in order: " I'm keen to go to the doors and kick them out. Who wants to come? / Tired of seeing these transphobes come back like the bad wind ».
Out of male excitement, he even forgets to "gender" himself as feminine. And speaks without worry of fire the speakers all by himself: two women of a certain age, you think...
MorueModerne is calling twice more to do battle at the Café Laïque – located, she says, “ very close to his home " On the afternoon of the 15th, he said, " be there "but not wanting" go alone " JadeWhirl replies " not knowing if something is organized ».
On the 15th at 18pm, the conference began normally: as a precaution, the doors of the Café Laïque were closed. Around 18:30pm, someone opened them to go out to make a phone call: about twenty activists immediately rushed into the room, broke furniture, jostled the audience and threw excrement and mud at the speakers.
Their leaflets, placards and slogans echo exactly the argument of JadeWhirl and her friends: the speakers encouraged " conversion therapies ", the Secular Café would be " racist " and " islamophobic "... however, masked and claiming to be from an anonymous "Ursula Collective", the vandals are not identifiable. It is impossible to prove the participation of MorueModerne and other supporters of the attack on Twitter. Attacked on social networks, they deny it... while rejoicing in the cancellation: "Cheh", they deserved it!
The outrage on social media is the occasion for a new bitchiness, in the style of the Parthe Arrow. MorueModerne encourages transactivists to abusively “report” en masse messages of support for the Café Laïque, in the hope that automatic censorship will erase them without examination.
The conference must be interrupted and postponed: the activists have won. Now let's see how they exploit their media victory.
3) “Evil” the keyboard warrior and woke skeptic
The very evening of the cancellation, the transosphere is joyful: the activists congratulate each other in front of the photos of the ransacked premises:
To have the " strong impact » desired, the diffusion must be as wide as possible. Here, a keyboard warrior known took care of it: "Evil the Bestiary" or "Nonoche3"
"Evil" did even more: he relayed the entire campaign from beginning to end, from the first calls for "sabotage" to the cries of joy at its success eight days later. Including calls to harass JadeWhirl, to ransack the premises of MorueModerne... his goal was undeniably to push Brussels transactivists to (physical) action.
"Evil" falls into another category of transactivists: trolling specialists. Self-proclaimed " scourge of reactionaries ", we often see him attacking conservatives on social networks, insulting them, attributing imaginary "-phobias" to them, then threatening them with lawsuits... he has also rationalized the process, and created a clever library of images where all woke trolls can draw. With a copy and paste, shut up your opponent: call him a " transphobic scum " who must be silent, bring all his arguments back to a " moral panic "...
Evil clearly doesn't like taking risks. He's careful not to participate in the cancel he relayed, leaving those he encouraged to expose themselves alone. And when he posts an image " TERFS at the stake ", a usual slogan of transactivists, he hypocritically truncates it so that he cannot be accused of calling for murder.
Like "Jade", "Evil" would like to benefit from the support of "science" to silence his political opponents. He does this by claiming to be a "zetetician": we also say "rationalist" or "skeptic". A completely respectable intellectual movement born in the 80s to fight against the gurus of the paranormal, zetetic aims to develop the public's means of intellectual self-defense by using discourse analysis and cognitive biases.
Unfortunately, some of the woke seized on the label to provide a scientific justification for their censorship campaign. "Evil" thus formed with others the so-called far-left collective " Zet-Ethics ". Convinced that " science is politics ", we sees profess that those who do not believe in it are " Right-wingers and other centrists "(sic) having no place in the movement. From 2021, they violently attack to them on social media. Libération warmly approved This cuckoo tactic, presented by a virtuous fight against the " communitarianism »(Sic).
Zet-Ethique then attacks the zététiciens too deconstructed, but judged too soft. We see them instructing a hilarious trial in transactivist lukewarmness: the accused gets away with it with some sophisms and assurances of militant purity. He would never allow himself to " biologize " he would not relay " Far-right moral panics ", anyway!" Alas, things have gone too far, and an internal picrocholine war is now raging on Twitter between zetapos "moderate" and policies “radicals”… which in reality only differ by a shade of wokeness.
In both factions, the process is the same: quote as " science "the theses of a minority of radical left-wing activist-researchers, often notorious forgers. We see some recycle without citing their origin the theory of Eliane Viennot on a great conspiracy of "masculinist" linguists against inclusive writing, based on half a dozen truncated quotes. And the others, under the pretext of " listening skills " on hunting, invite a Pierre Rigaux who has no known expertise in this... apart from being the leader of the French anti-hunting anti-speciesists, often caught manipulating facts.
The only difference is that the "moderates" sometimes approach non-politicized areas (paranormal, flat-earthers) where they prove interesting. The "radicals" obsessed with sociology Woke They only know how to talk about "discrimination" and "oppression", and their "analyses" often boil down to accusations of intent against their adversaries, justifications for cancels ongoing, or even outright militant lies to their readers.
This is not a witch hunt (Evil visual)
For example, we see our skeptic "proving" that "Islamophobia" reigns in France by the story of a Muslim sent to preventive detention for four years for a single false denunciation of watching a jihadist video. The forget it that the man especially admitted to having transported weapons intended for the Kouachi brothers… while it is in the very content of the link that he provides: but good child of the Internet, Evil knows that less than one person in a hundred takes the trouble to check the sources.
The final irony is the profile of our troll: a white man from a wealthy family of old French nobility, "Evil" who never stops delivering lessons in legitimacy to everyone, would not have to give it to anyone according to his own criteria. This is only surprising in appearance: we know since the Boudarel affair that it is among the dominant ashamed of themselves that the most ardent of the “decolonials” are recruited.
This is not a sumptuous unintentional humor (visual of Evil)
And it is at their home that hatred of the enemy is the strongest. LGBTQ+, “racialized” and others fight mainly out of community or ethnic passion: they are not deeply engaged in woke ideology, and only borrow its language, because it is in the air of the times.
We have seen, let us recall, even the Taliban claim to be "inclusive". An entire post-Marxist far-left is in the opposite case: it sincerely believes in wokeism as a means of shaking up a capitalist system that it hates, sympathy for the minorities only comes second.
According to Evil, some "oppressions" are worth more than others (Evil visual)
More intellectual, she frequently finds herself speaking on their behalf, often against their interests. Otherwise, we would not see American antifas call for a "Homosexual Intifada" in support of Hamas… which would exterminate these infidel sodomites immediately. On the profile of Evil, “scourge of reactionaries”, we find many messages against conservatives, very few in support of LGBTQ+ “communities”. We end up wondering if the latter are not above all a pretext to attack the former.
If I were Woke and obsessed with "representativeness", I would also ask myself the question: where are the "dominated" in the Brussels affair? Journalists, harassers, vandals, relays, the cancel seems to have been entirely carried out by urban white Western (biological) males, all radical left. Transgender identity aside, the lack of "diversity" is glaring.
All the irony of the cancel holds to this. We must agree with "Evil": yes, freedom of expression is indeed a "privilege of white men"... but not of all: of those who, because they wear skirts or support the latter for political opportunism, think they have the right to force women to be silent.