Anti-Wokeism Manifesto

Anti-Wokeism Manifesto

Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Linguist, President of LAIC
A specter haunts contemporary societies: that of wokism. In universities, administrations, public and professional spaces, an insidious ideology seeks to redefine cultural, social and political norms. It claims to be inclusive, equal and socially just, but in reality is part of a logic of division, censorship and ideological oppression. We, opponents of wokism, rise up to defend universal values, freedom of expression and democratic pluralism against this intellectual and political drift.

Table of contents

Anti-Wokeism Manifesto

This manifesto is published in note 2024 entitled Intellectual Resistance Program Against Wokeism Followed by the Anti-Wokeism Manifesto freely available for download under the following link.

Anti-Wokism Manifesto

A specter haunts contemporary societies: that of wokism. In universities, administrations, public and professional spaces, an insidious ideology seeks to redefine cultural, social and political norms. It claims to be inclusive, equal and socially just, but in reality is part of a logic of division, censorship and ideological oppression. We, opponents of wokism, rise up to defend universal values, freedom of expression and democratic pluralism against this intellectual and political drift.

fundamental principles

We believe in the universality of human rights, in republican equality, and in the primacy of reason over emotion. Our commitment is based on the defense of freedom of expression, the neutrality of institutions, and the separation of science and ideology. We reject fragmenting identity categories that pit individuals against each other based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation. We affirm that citizenship and human dignity transcend these distinctions.

What we believe

We believe in a society where intellectual debate is free, where diversity of ideas is protected, and where everyone can express their beliefs without fear of censorship or reprisal. We believe in strong institutions that do not bow to militant pressure, but serve the public interest. We also believe in science as a tool for producing objective and autonomous knowledge, with an end in itself.

Our goals

Our goal is to restore the primacy of republican values ​​in all aspects of social and political life. We aim to depoliticize public institutions, restore academic neutrality, and protect professional and public spaces from ideological influences. We also seek to strengthen the critical spirit of citizens, especially the younger generations, so that they can resist intellectual manipulation.

Our means of action

We call for the union of all those who refuse woke excesses, through awareness-raising, mobilization and intellectual resistance actions. We encourage the formation of citizen collectives, legal defense against ideological abuses, and engagement in public debates. We believe that the fight against wokeness requires a reappropriation of spaces for reflection, increased vigilance in institutions and solidarity between all actors committed to freedom.

Read the full note on the Woke Resistance Program 2023-2024


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