lit bonfire outdoors during nighttime
Leonardo Orlando

Gender Studies? A Sectarian Movement

[by Leonardo Orlando] We are reproducing here the text of the interview given to l'Express by Leonardo Orlando here: Researcher Leonardo Orlando, whose seminar based on the theory of evolution was cancelled by Sciences Po, responds to Mathias

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man in black and white polo shirt beside writing board
Xavier-Laurent Salvador

When the President of the Republic takes on the role of Minister of School Reform

[Tribune initially published here on the L'Express website under the title "No to low-cost teachers wanted by Macron!"] What would be the legitimacy of a "low-cost" literature teacher ( who would never have gone to

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Francois Rastier

François Rastier: Transphobia and denial of biology, official support for “trans science”

[Here we reproduce the article published by the Observatory in l'Express:] In democracies, science can inform public action. We saw this with scientific advice during the first years of the pandemic. Recently, another public health issue

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Nathalie Heinich

The Hijabeuses, a decisive moment

Background. Rule 50.2 of the Olympic Charter requires neutrality during sports competitions so that they are protected from political or religious divisions. For the same reason, the French Football Federation prohibits "any sign or outfit that ostentatiously displays political, philosophical, religious or union affiliation". However, in November, a group of self-proclaimed "hijab women" footballers, formed two years ago as a "Muslim women's football union", brought an action before the Council of State to have this article repealed. The request was rejected but it continues to be examined on the merits. 

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feature articles

Disintegrating National Education for want of reforming it

We are reproducing here the article published in L'Express at the following address: [by Pierre Vermeren] The policy pursued for five years in National Education has benefited from favorable circumstances: a good connoisseur of his ministry, a thoughtful reform program approved

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Why we must save old French in universities

[Xavier-Laurent Salvador] We are reproducing here the text of an article published here: The French language is continually evolving and adapting, that's a fact. But how will students be able to realize this if they are deprived of the intelligence of the language, which

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