
The child is a wolf to man

It is from Scotland that we receive news that a child is suffering from "species dysphoria" and identifies with a wolf. Oncologist Jacques Robert expands on this theme.

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Job profiles in inclusive writing: the administration backtracks

The period of Le Mars sees a proliferation of job advertisements for recruitment in higher education establishments of which the INSPE are now part in complete autonomy. The word "autonomy" is undoubtedly inappropriate when talking about the civil service, as some believe themselves to be freed by the performative magic of the word from any accountability to the public that finances them. Through our unprecedented mobilization, we have managed to force the administration to back down!

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Marc Fryd

Censorship in US School Libraries: What Now for the Bible?

The American and international media have recently echoed a barely conceivable piece of news: the Davis County School District (95 schools for 72000 students, very close to Salt Lake City, Utah) had just announced its decision to ban lower school levels (5-13 years old) from accessing the venerable King James Bible (1611), the very one on which George Washington took the oath on April 30, 1789.

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charles coutel

The tyranny of the majority? Really?

Our theme involves various issues where we are led to use the terms "culture", "minority", "majority" and "law". Each term must be defined anew, given the imprecision of words in the media, political life and in our university institution, the latter in particular contaminated by the current Woke movement.

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photo of people holding each other with hands
Xavier-Laurent Salvador

School, College and the Future

[by Xavier-Laurent Salvador] May this article contribute to the intellectual rearmament of parents whose offspring, sometimes caught up in the shifting sands of literature, history, geography or sociology studies, find themselves confronted with deconstruction

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Parents and Wokeism: Interview with the Author of the Manual

[by Xavier-Laurent Salvador. We are publishing here the interview conducted by Alexandre Devecchio for Le Figaro on November 8, 2022 and readable at the address:] LE FIGARO: Your book is written in the form of advice to the parents of a woke teenager and

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