Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Job profiles in inclusive writing: the administration backtracks

The period of Le Mars sees a proliferation of job advertisements for recruitment in higher education establishments of which the INSPE are now part in complete autonomy. The word "autonomy" is undoubtedly inappropriate when talking about the civil service, as some believe themselves to be freed by the performative magic of the word from any accountability to the public that finances them. Through our unprecedented mobilization, we have managed to force the administration to back down!

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

The 3 attacks on the democratic spirit in the management of companies and administrations conveyed by wokism

Woke ideology has long since penetrated the daily life of the business world and public administration. There are major and unavoidable phenomena that everyone thinks about. And there are these little everyday things, against which we don't know what to do, and which nibble away at our space of freedom every day. What are some examples? Where does it come from? What can we do?

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Conference interrupted in Assas: the objective press finally!

A study day on the legal issue was fortunately interrupted by the University users while contested professors were speaking to defend the transphobic idea that gender identity should be registered in the civil registry. Students, visibly aware of the legitimate problems of inclusive society, then simply armed with their courage and a few innocent projectiles - the proof: they are sold in the DIY or paint section of stores - organized a happening in order to disrupt the expected course of hate speech professed by these old-fashioned intellectuals who can't be stopped by shame. One of the speakers, realizing his mistake, made amends and his forgiveness was signified to him by the redemptive mark of colored baptismal water. On the other hand, a reactionary activist who was denounced by her tailor, aggressive and who was there to support the transphobic activists, was roundly neutralized by the youth. No one was injured that day, which is fortunate because the youth probably narrowly escaped perishing under the repeated blows of the hetero-patriarchal battering ram.

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Nathalie Heinich

Nathalie Heinich, response to Libération

On May 12, a post by Simon Blin appeared in Libération entitled "Anti-wokism, an inexhaustible editorial vein", devoted to my book Would Wokism be a totalitarianism? recently published by Albin Michel. Here is my response, published in the daily newspaper on May 19 under the title "For a left-wing anti-wokism".

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Can you imagine restricting Dominique Schnapper?

Article one of the 1958 Constitution explains that the Republic is indivisible, secular, democratic and social. Secularism is therefore one of those principles that require, above all, a legal organization. Founded on the principle of separation (public sphere, private sphere) which guarantees freedom of conscience and worship, it is weakened today by the conjunction of politics and religion under the auspices of a galloping wokism that agrees with people like Norman Ajari in declaring that it is at once an "apartheid" measure, or even "Islamophobic, discriminatory, unjust and far-right."

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Florence Bergeaud-Blackler

Response to Haoues Seniguer by anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, research officer (HDR) CNRS

The Mizane magazine published an interview with Haoues Seniguer entitled "Le frérisme et ses réseaux, "un essai saturated de jugements de valeur" (Frarianism and its networks), "an essay saturated with value judgments" in which she intends to "evaluate" the scientific value of my work. The political scientist, who had already attracted attention in February at the tribune of Musulmans de France, lent himself to the game. Here is the response from anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, research fellow (HDR) CNRS.

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Francois Rastier

Marianne Fund/Conspiracy Watch: A story of smoke without fire

It is therefore in conscience that we refrained from writing: "No, Rudy Reichstadt did not unduly benefit from the Marianne Fund". As if I remained suspect, stuck in purgatory without knowing what I should have done so that I would not be forgotten there.

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