Segregation: Why a Minister Shouldn't Say That
Alexandre Portier, LR MP for the Rhône and member of the Higher Council of Programs, reacts to the use of the term “school segregation” by the Minister of National Education.
Alexandre Portier, LR MP for the Rhône and member of the Higher Council of Programs, reacts to the use of the term “school segregation” by the Minister of National Education.
Wokeism claims to embody social justice and equal opportunity, but it is nothing more than a sham devoid of philosophical foundation and theoretical corpus. Young people who identify with critical race or gender theory movements have not even read the authors who developed these theories. Instead of understanding the political and philosophical implications of their actions, they adhere to a posture of moral activism.
In France, wokeism has found fertile ground in academia, where some use the institution to promote their moralistic vision and legitimize it. Let us recall the controversy sparked by the bill "reinforcing respect for the principles of the Republic" and in particular Article 14 which provided for strengthening the neutrality obligations of people working in public services, including in higher education institutions. This provision was strongly criticized by some academics who claimed to see it as an attack on academic freedom and the autonomy of institutions. In reality, they were seeking a political clash and, through this, to impose their vision of the world by using methods of pressure, censorship and discrediting to silence any form of criticism. The University no longer serves to produce scientific thought, but to endorse moral thought that attempts to impose its vision of the world.
Our theme involves various issues where we are led to use the terms "culture", "minority", "majority" and "law". Each term must be defined anew, given the imprecision of words in the media, political life and in our university institution, the latter in particular contaminated by the current Woke movement.
As historian Pierre Vermeren has shown, images of Muslim calendars showing Muhammad circulated freely until the middle of the 20th century in the Maghreb and still today in Shiite countries, proof if any were needed that there is no "single Islamic bloc": science obviously proves Professor de Hamline right. But who cares anymore? While the passions of communities against science are constantly expressed, including within the French University itself, it is important to insist on what brings us together within the same citizenship. At a time when Iranian universities are getting excited to defend the freedom to study at the same time as the worst obscurantists are adorning themselves with the name "Taliban", which in their language, let us not forget, means "students", we are witnessing in the West an unprecedented regression of the universalism of knowledge of which the University should be the temple.
Yet one would expect someone like Mr. Fassin who presents himself as a sociologist to go beyond the proclaimed intentions of certain actors, especially when they are subject to sectarian influences (this is the ABC of sociology), and a feminist to refrain from promoting religious patriarchy. For those who have not understood what the "useful idiots of Islamism" are, here is a perfect illustration.
We would like to inform you of the existence of a petition that denounces the importance given to EDI and SDG criteria in FRQ scholarship and grant programs, criteria that go against freedom of research and
We are reproducing, with her agreement, the text initially published in Le Figaro: [by Nathalie Heinich. ] Tuesday, November 29, the conference on “Inclusive writing, enemy of universalist feminism” that I was invited to give at the Espace Mendès France in Poitiers
[by François Rastier] Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King Passing as an advisor to Vladimir Putin, the Eurasianist philosopher Alexander Dugin once declared that Russia had a duty to invade Europe. He added:
[by Philippe d'Iribarne. We are reproducing the text of the article published in L'Express here] The proponents of the woke school of thought present themselves as the defenders of all the oppressed of the earth, women, "racialized", transgender, homosexual and others. They affirm
[by Hubert Heckmann] The use of the term "ecology" is interesting in the "Publication Profile (Galaxie): Literature and Ecology - ECO/LIT" put out to competition in May 2022. Since it is not about scientific ecology (the CNU sections indicated are the 9th