Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Conference interrupted in Assas: the objective press finally!

A study day on the legal issue was fortunately interrupted by the University users while contested professors were speaking to defend the transphobic idea that gender identity should be registered in the civil registry. Students, visibly aware of the legitimate problems of inclusive society, then simply armed with their courage and a few innocent projectiles - the proof: they are sold in the DIY or paint section of stores - organized a happening in order to disrupt the expected course of hate speech professed by these old-fashioned intellectuals who can't be stopped by shame. One of the speakers, realizing his mistake, made amends and his forgiveness was signified to him by the redemptive mark of colored baptismal water. On the other hand, a reactionary activist who was denounced by her tailor, aggressive and who was there to support the transphobic activists, was roundly neutralized by the youth. No one was injured that day, which is fortunate because the youth probably narrowly escaped perishing under the repeated blows of the hetero-patriarchal battering ram.

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Francois Rastier

Aspects of Republican Transactivism, from the Ministry of Education to the Council of State

In addition to interministerial associations and delegations, several ministries disseminate gender ideology and particularly transactivism, notably that of National Education. For example, the former National Institute of Pedagogical Research, which became the Canopé Network, recently invited schoolchildren to “deconstruct kinship”, while researching the meaning of the prefixes “hetero”, “homo”, “trans”, “cis”, “inter” and “bi” — proof that ancient languages ​​have not said their last word. It offers teachers a webinar on “the fight against LGBTIphobia” where we suddenly learn that “secular heritage” is “potentially LGBTIphobic”.

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