Xavier-Laurent Salvador

A CNRS laboratory confuses activism and research objects

The university, supposed to be a place of neutrality and scientific rigor, is drifting towards a worrying politicization, as evidenced by the recent motion of the CEPED (CNRS), which adopts a militant pro-Palestinian position. This position compromises the credibility of research and instrumentalizes the social sciences for ideological purposes. The academic institution must preserve its independence and avoid becoming a vector of political agenda.

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Vincent Tournier

Gaza Protests: What's Happening at Sciences Po?

Following the tragic events of October 7, 2023, particularly virulent mobilizations took place at the Paris Institute of Political Studies as well as in several provincial IEPs, where demonstrations were often accompanied by blockades...

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Olivier Galland

In search of Islamophobia…

Islamophobia has a clear political use that has been consecrated by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. But beyond that, what does the term really mean? And is what it is supposed to designate – a deep hostility towards Muslims that has spread in French society – supported by facts?

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Nathalie Heinich

After October 7: a Titanic of the left in democracy

October 7 revealed the failure of a Western left, divided by its support for Hamas and disconnected from its historical values ​​such as anti-racism, secularism and the fight for equality. This fracture is symptomatic of the wokeism and Islamo-leftism that are eating away at the political debate.

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Francois Rastier

Judith Butler and the Hamas Agenda

Let’s take a step back. Judith Butler explained in 2006 that “it is extremely important to see Hamas and Hezbollah as progressive social movements, which are on the left and part of a global left”…

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Vincent Tournier

Hamas, Europe and Peace

The butchery planned by Hamas did not succeed in shaking the certainties of the pro-Palestinian camp. The usual arguments quickly returned.

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