Nathalie Heinich

When sociologists legitimize riots

No sociologist who cares about preserving a minimum of dignity and credibility for the latter can identify with a group that dishonors itself in this way. As for those who support this distressing motion, we suggest that they reserve their activism for the radical left, whose positions they are thus borrowing. A text signed by:
​​​​​​​Monique DAGNAUD
​​​​​​​Julien DAMON
​​​​​​​Olivier GALLAND
Nathalie HEINICH
Philippe d'IRIBARNE
​​​​​​​Jean-Claude KAUFMANN
​​​​​​​Michel MESSU
​​​​​​​Dominique SCHNAPPER

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The "useful idiots of Islamism"

Yet one would expect someone like Mr. Fassin who presents himself as a sociologist to go beyond the proclaimed intentions of certain actors, especially when they are subject to sectarian influences (this is the ABC of sociology), and a feminist to refrain from promoting religious patriarchy. For those who have not understood what the "useful idiots of Islamism" are, here is a perfect illustration.

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