"What is well conceived is clearly stated."
And the words to say it come easily."

Whiteness Theorem


Scientific jargon is a rhetorical tool of extreme force that connotes seriousness. Much like the window of a Thai massage parlor in the city center protests the moral probity of the owner to better cover up the turpitudes of the basements, the use of scientific or related terms often covers up ineptitude.

Decolonialism starts from a simple aphorism: any affirmation "you are" comes from a cultural reading grid linked to an "I" which mirrors the opinion main stream of this culture. Either the "I" adheres to it, or on the contrary it submits to it.

This mechanism is a “colonialism” of the mind based on a simple aphorism:

Colonizing is bad.
Or to educate is to colonize minds.
So educating is bad.

This colonialism exists at all levels of a society: at the micro-local level where the balance of power is supported by a condescending vision of the colonizer for the colonized; at the democratic level where the colonizer imposes his political grid; at the school level, where the colonizer imposes his vision of history; at the global level, where the colonizer imposes his vision of the economy.

The colonist, in this case, carries the seeds of a dominant culture at all levels: he is Western and therefore subject to the American Empire, he is capitalist, he is heterosexual: in a word – he is .

But be careful: not "white" as you think - that's why we say it more often in English.

He's white, that means he thinks like a Westerner.

And are therefore non-white all those who claim another observatory on their own identity than that imposed by white society. It being understood that as soon as a "white" - understood in this sense - assigns an identity to another, he is in colonialism: all that remains for the "whites" is to keep quiet to let the assumed non-whiteness of minority groups be expressed

All this deconstruction – sorry: this deconstructivism – would be cute if such a statement did not stem from the urgent and claimed need to deconstruct all the “privileges” of white culture where it is expressed in society: the Republic and all its institutions, starting with school. Thus, we are interested in “examining the processes of racialization as a power relationship at work in French educational worlds, and the way in which they are articulated with social relations of gender and class, in particular. In other words, it is a question of questioning the way in which social relations of class, "race", gender are intertwined, interact with each other and together structure (Pfefferkorn, 2007) the field of education" [source: here]

From this observation, which could be discussed – but no, since we recall:

"The disqualification of intersectionality also reflects, profoundly, a clear refusal to accept (and even to discuss) the epistemological premises of this concept
[source] here ]» »


From this comes the idea that spiritual colonialism pollutes minds, and that minds must therefore be depolluted in all scientific "observatories": science is colonial, language is colonial, literature is colonial, culture is colonial.

Intersectionality is about bringing together forces of goodwill to fight against the white hegemony that prevails in Western civilization. It is, in a way, the armed wing of a holy war waged against the West.

At the top of the pyramid of dominations, according to these people, there remains only one "colonial state": Israel. Decolonization, in a word, for them means ridding the world of Israel. In this way, decolonialism serves as a screen for the new anti-Semitism.

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