Reports and books on wokeness

The Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, created in January 2021, is a transversal collective of around a hundred academics freely associated on the basis of the common observation of the disintegration of disciplines in higher education, federated around an online journal ( whose aim is to produce a series of analyses on the phenomenon of identity ideologies. It is based on the LAIC association (Laboratory for the Analysis of Contemporary Ideologies), declared to be of general interest. In this context, the association produces each year a report of university activities linked to the development of identity ideologies in society. The association also aims to produce detailed analysis notes.

The report 2021 on the penetration of identity ideologies at university 

ISBN-978 2957891306

   Report – PDF – 120 pages (free)

The report 2023 on the penetration of identity ideologies at university 

ISBN-978 2957891313

   Report – PDF – 120 pages (free)

Intellectual Resistance Program Against Wokeism Followed by the Manifesto 

ISBN-978 2957891320

 Note – PDF – 84 pages (free)

Note: As part of our mission, a first report on ideological manifestations at university and in research was produced in 2021. The text presents matter of facts all events, theses, journals, works, seminars, conferences of major interest for understanding the phenomenon of the penetration of identity ideologies in higher education in France in the 2020s.

Note: The report for the year 2023 (the 2022 report could not be produced due to computer problems)! The data in this report were collected by the members of the Observatory. To ensure the consistency and completeness of the corpus, we limited our study to France and not to the entire French-speaking world. This list is not exhaustive and minima: several items have been removed in case of doubt or have not been included due to restricted access to certain information. 

Note: This note produced by Xavier-Laurent Salvador is an analysis of the phenomena noted in the 2023 report. How do these manifestations make sense in the dispersion of wokeness and identity ideologies in contemporary society? How is this an issue? At a time when political divisions are becoming irreconcilable: what does it mean to be "anti-woke"? What are the values ​​developed by anti-wokeism?