Press Source | Contents |
Le Figaro |
9th November 2022 “Parents, don’t keep quiet about woke theories for fear of offending young people” …wokeism is starting to take root in school curricula. Do you have any examples? The Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies has amply documented this phenomenon and the list would be long… |
L'Express (website) |
August 2022 A collective of academics: “No to the low-cost professors wanted by Macron!” …According to academics gathered around the Observatory of Decolonialism, recruiting future teachers from the baccalaureate would represent “a dismaying step backwards”…. |
Current Values (website) |
March 2023 [Interview] “Deconstruction, a weapon of war against the universal republic” … Organized by the Collège de philosophie and the Observatoire du décolonialisme, with the support of the Comité laïcité République, sixty leading intellectuals in their fields, from Luc Ferry to Olivier Rey in … |
Le Figaro |
January 2024 The war between Israel and Hamas revisited by decolonial theories … empathetic picture of the oppressed whose crimes, the ultimate revisionism, are forever excused. The Observatory of Decolonialism has been working for over four years now to patiently and precisely… |
Le Figaro (website) |
April 2023 Fuzzy vocabulary, questionable methodology and co-optations: intersectionality and decolonialism deciphered … adds the emeritus professor. The other problem of methodology according to Xavier-Laurent Salvador, of the Observatory of Decolonialism, is based on the predominance of the “I” in the works. “Today, cannot work… |
L'Express (website) |
28 April 2024 Funding, divergences, methods: how the Observatory of Decolonialism sank into crisis At the end of 2020, French academics concerned about the excesses in the academic world founded an Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies. At the initiative of university professors, such as linguists Yana … |
MSN (France) (website ref.) – MSN FR |
March 28, 2024 "The departure of the headmaster of the Maurice-Ravel high school signals the culpable resignation of the entire civil service" … and for the high school. For Xavier-Laurent Salvador, lecturer and member of the Observatory of Decolonialism, this affair is an illustration of the defeat of the State. FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE – Threatened… |
The |
March 2023 “Islamo-leftism” at the university: a look back at a phantom report … INTERVIEW. For Xavier-Laurent Salvador of the Observatory of Decolonialism, the absence of an official report on militant excesses at the university is not a problem…. |
Le Figaro (website) |
March 22, 2023 "Strasbourg's "gender-neutral" budget, a sign of the porosity between the communitarian virtue leagues and the Greens" … a graduate of modern literature and lecturer in medieval language and literature. He co-directs the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, which has a website:…. |
L'Express (website) |
17 May 2023 Wanting to renew democracy is a dangerous illusion, by Vincent Tournier … claiming to have randomly selected citizens sit there. But conditions have changed. The Observatory of Decolonialism continues to warn of the return of ideologies of rupture, often based on … |
Current Values |
December 2022 French resistance … marginal, devoted a two-part study to woke ideology. In January 2022, the Observatory of Decolonialism organized a conference at the Sorbonne entitled “After Deconstruction: Reconstructing Science and … |
Le Monde |
June 2023 “Wokism”, deconstruction of a French obsession … of a conference organized at the Sorbonne, on January 7 and 8, 2022, by the Observatory of Decolonialism and the College of Philosophy and entitled “After Deconstruction. Reconstructing the Sciences and… |
Libération |
26 December 2022 Who is “cancelling” who in the debate over the care of trans minors? … Le Figaro. In L’Express, several supporters of the two shrinks (including members of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, a stakeholder in a controversial conference on organized Wokeism… |
Le Monde |
20th January 2024 France faces its colonial unthinking … of Western civilization”. A position that is also found within the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, a website whose contributors regularly feed the files… |
Le Figaro |
26 September 2022 [… COMPANY…] … 'National Education criticizes republican universalism abroad is astonishing', interview with Xavier-Laurent Salvador, agrégé de lettres, academic and co-founder of the Observatory of decolonialism and identity ideologies…. |
Le Figaro |
13th June 2023 Inclusive writing is coming to university … and its typographical variations on the home pages of French universities. Conducted for the Observatory of Decolonialism, his study, published in February 2023, shows that one in four students is “exposed … |
Le Figaro |
May 2023 Workshop on “transgenderism” causes scandal at Alsatian school …describe as “propaganda” in favor of “trans activism,” parents have opened up to the Observatory of Decolonialism, a collective of academics grouped around the defense of universalism in I… |
The Express |
29 times 2024 Michel Wieviorka The Republican barrier to the extreme right no longer holds … at most modest collectives like the Republican Spring, founded in 2016, or the Observatory of Decolonialism, created in 2021, today ideologies… |
Le Monde |
June 2022 Martine Storti: “There are pseudo-radicalities which are regressions” … and practical anathemas that can be observed, for example, on the side of the Observatory of Decolonialism, the journal Causeur or the magazine Valeurs actuelles… |
L'Obs (website) |
4th November 2022 “Anti-patriarchal solidarity beyond the Mediterranean, patriarchal complicity in France?” … are the “useful idiots of Islamism”, so here is a perfect illustration. Signatories: anthropologist, sociologist, linguist, historian The signatories are members of the “Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies” … |
Le Figaro |
16th January 2023 Can we still show Mohammed in American and… French universities? … of modern literature and lecturer in medieval language and literature. He co-directs the observatory of decolonialism and identity ideologies, which has a website: “As … |
La Croix |
1 April 2023 Alain Policar: “Multiculturalism is not communitarianism” … I don’t see any clearing up. With movements like the Republican Spring or the Observatory of Decolonialism, it has become impossible to discuss. This context is very much linked to the effects of … |
La Croix |
April 2023 Landmarks … echoing a movement that denounces the influence of ideologies in the social sciences. The Observatory of Decolonialism was thus created in 2021 (Nathalie Heinich, Pierre-Henri Tavoillot…) and organized a conference … |
The |
26th February 2024 The surge of the anti-woke left … wake up, I see a liberation of speech" qualifies Xavier-Laurent Salvador, co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism. READ ALSO "Wokism can only self-destruct" Others, have not… |
The |
October 2023 Israel-Hamas War: French Universities' Palestinian Obsession … easily guesses the direction of the debates. Accusations. For Xavier-Laurent Salvador, founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, there is a real refusal on the part of the deans… |
The |
January 2023 Inclusive writing: a quarter of students are exposed to it at university …to see things more clearly. *Cyrille Godonou is a statistician at the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies and a member of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies…. |
L'Express (website) |
February 2023 There is nothing optimistic about the future of Jews in Belgium by Yana Grinshpun … be worried. *Yana Grinshpun is a linguist and lecturer at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne-Nouvelle. She is also co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies…. |
L'Express (website) |
December 2022 A secular Muslim woman told by her atheist Jewish friend … 1990 €. *Yana Grinshpun is a linguist and lecturer at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne-Nouvelle. She is also co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies…. |
Le Figaro (website) |
4 December 2022 "Woke rhetoric is dangerous" … Salvador is an associate professor of modern literature and a lecturer in medieval language and literature. He is also the co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies…. |
L'Express (website) |
December 2022 Origin of man, sexuality, vaccines… Teachers face student protests … minorities, social justice… According to Xavier-Laurent Salvador, lecturer and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism. “We must distinguish between wokeness, which is an adult affair, and the way … |
Le Monde |
8 September 2023 Helping Deconstruction … conference organized at the Sorbonne in January 2022 by the Collège de philosophie and the observatory of decolonialism, Jean-Michel Blanquer, then Minister of Education, had declared that the French Theory … |
Le Figaro |
4 April 2023 University of Bordeaux: When students invite a far-left terrorist … places and gestures, what do they do? They invite a terrorist. Quod erat demonstrandum. – * The Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, which the academic co-directs, has a website: decolonialism … |
L'Express (website) |
19 December 2022 Café Laïque vandalized: “Shit, the ultimate argument of trans neofascist activists” … (sociologist) Céline Pina (editorial essayist) Xavier-Laurent Salvador (lecturer and co-founder of the decolonialism observatory) Pierre-Henri Tavoillot (philosopher) Albert Doja (anthropologist) Bruno Sire (university professor of science … |
Le Figaro (website) |
November 2022 Renovation of the statue of Victor Hugo: “The opportunistic revisionism of the Besançon town hall” … of modern literature and lecturer in medieval language and literature. He co-directs the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies (website: He has just published Petit manuel… |
Le Figaro (website) |
August 31, 2022 Is “cancel culture” creating a generation of ignoramuses? … lectures in medieval literature at the University of Rouen. He is a founding member of the Observatory of Decolonialism. He is the author of Cancel! From the Culture of Censorship to … |
Le Figaro (website) |
September 2022 "It is astonishing that a Minister of National Education should criticize republican universalism abroad." … lecturer in medieval language and literature at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University. The The Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, which the academic co-directs, has a website: decolonialism … |
Le Figaro (website) |
February 2024 Erasmus: "In the eyes of the European Commission, Orban's attendance is worse than that of Hamas" Xavier-Laurent Salvador is an associate professor of modern literature and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism. Leonardo Orlando is a researcher in political science. In 2014, a Turkish intellectual advocated the release of his … |
Le Figaro (website) |
22th February 2023 "Rewriting Roald Dahl's works insults children's intelligence" … lectures on medieval literature at the University of Rouen. He is a founding member of the Observatory of Decolonialism. He is also the author of Cancel! From the Culture of Censorship to … |
Le Figaro |
3 May 2024 From Wokeism to Pro-Palestinian Mobilizations, French Universities Under American Influence … Modern anti-Semitism » “We are in “Islamo-wokism”!” asserts Xavier-Laurent Salvador, co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism, which since 2020 has been denouncing the excesses in the academic world. “We have chosen the … |
Le Figaro Magazine |
October 2022 A militant history of “colonial France” … the French University. Or the “crusade” (as the term is subtly chosen) of the Observatory of Decolonialism, which would practice “an aggressive McCarthyism towards researchers” or “the Republican right which has … |
Le Figaro (website) |
March 2024 The week of Figaro Vox – “Societal escalation in the Assembly” … and for high school. For Xavier-Laurent Salvador, lecturer and member of the decolonialism observatory, this affair is an illustration of the defeat of the State. Why are pensions … |
Le Figaro (website) |
February 2023 These French classes where students are indoctrinated … ideological issues, according to Xavier-Laurent Salvador, academic, agrégé de lettres and co-founder of the observatory of decolonialism. For this specialist in the woke movement, the subject of French is clearly targeted by… |
The |
February 2023 In the bastions of the cultural left … more equal than others. Lecturer at Paris 13 and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, Xavier-Laurent Salvador is concerned about the fascination that … |
L'Express (website) |
October 2022 Yana Grinshpun: “Inclusivism, one of the great impostures of this beginning of the 21st century” … non-freedom. *Yana Grinshpun is a linguist and lecturer at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne-Nouvelle. She is also co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies…. |
Le Figaro (website) |
13th June 2023 The letter from Le Figaro dated June 13, 2023 … the blow of this text and many take advantage of it. According to statistics conducted by the Observatory of Decolonialism, one in four students would be exposed to this writing made of midpoints of … |
The |
23th February 2023 In the bastions of the cultural left … more equal than others. Lecturer at Paris 13 and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, Xavier-Laurent Salvador is concerned about the fascination that … |
The Conversation (France) (website) |
17 October 2023 Debate: Why it is time to build a museum of colonial history in France … particularly divided: the most radical supporters of decolonialism oppose the leaders of the Observatory of Decolonialism, who are hunting down repentance, those nostalgic for the good old days of the colonies, and … |
L'Express (website) |
19th January 2023 Inclusive writing, cancel culture… How to respond to your woke child … (Cerf) by Xavier-Laurent Salvador, lecturer in old French and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism. Not without humor, the author tackles each of the themes dear to the “movement… |
Le Figaro (website) |
17th January 2024 Wokism, gender, inclusive writing… The École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay under influence … replaced by another in decolonial studies,” jokes the academic and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies. The expert castigates an environment deeply corrupted by wokism… |
L'Obs (website) |
17th June 2022 Mathieu Bock-Côté, Bolloré's intellectual … inaugurated by Jean-Michel Blanquer, then Minister of National Education, and organized by the Observatory of Decolonialism, the College of Philosophy and the Committee Laïcité République to denounce the “wokism” which… |
Le Figaro (website) |
March 3, 2024 “Flesh color”, “Metropolis”… This militant madness that wants to decolonize the language … to deconstruct. Lecturer in medieval language and literature and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies, Xavier-Laurent Salvador explains: “By taking up, via Derrida, the principles … |
The World (website) |
7 September 2023 Deconstruction in the face of the “reactionary offensive” … the Sorbonne, on January 7 and 8, 2022, by the College of Philosophy and the Observatory of Decolonialism, Jean-Michel Blanquer, then Minister of Education, had declared that the French Theory … |
L'Express (website) |
September 2022 “Matrimoine”: the Ministry of Culture engages in revisionism by Jean Szlamowicz … Ministry of Culture claims it… *Jean Szlamowicz is a linguist, university professor and co-founder of the Observatory of Decolonialism. He recently published “Les Moutons de la pensée” (Cerf)…. |
Grammatical gender and inclusive writing in French Special issue of the magazine |
2022 edition of the Ministry of Culture History Committee Prize The 2022 edition of the prize, placed under the aegis of the History Committee of the Ministry of Culture, was announced on March 1, 2022. The jury, chaired by Maryvonne of Saint Pulgent, chair of the History Committee of the Ministry of Culture, was made up of 6 qualified personalities in the field of cultural policies: Arlette Auduc, chief curator (H) of heritage, doctor of the EPHE Marie Cornu, research director at CNRS, ISP Pascale Goetschel, professor of contemporary history, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Center for 8058th Century Social History (UMR XNUMX) Nathalie Heinich, research director at the CNRS, Center for Research on Arts and Language (CRAL-UMR 8566 EHESS/CNRS) Jean-Baptiste Minnaert, professor of contemporary art history, Sorbonne University, director of the André Chastel Center (UMR 8150) Pierre Oudart, Director General of the National Institute of Higher Education in the Arts Marseille Méditerranée |
Frereism is also a child of Wokeism Book chapter Florence Bergeaud-Blackler. Frereism is also a child of Wokism. Xavier-Laurent Salvador; Emmanuelle Hénin; Pierre-Henri Tavoillot. After deconstruction, the university faces the challenge of new ideologies, In press, 9782415003562. ⟨halshs-03917035⟩ |
France downgrading by Pierre Vermeren La Dépèche – Reserved for subscribers The 2022 presidential election has shown the depth of the protean crisis that is crossing and fragmenting French society. Feelings of downgrading, blocking of social mobility, increased tax burden: the Republic has failed in its promise of justice and success through merit. |
L'Express – December 22, 2022 A very comprehensive and well-argued file on the new obscurantists. |
"France which downgrades" according to Pierre Vermeren La Dépèche The University of Shared Knowledge is offering, Tuesday January 10, 2023 at 18:30 p.m. at the Vox cinema in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, “France which downgrades”, a conference given by Pierre Vermeren, French historian, professor of contemporary history at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne since 2012… |
Social sciences and wokeness: why France is a special case By Nathalie HeinichThe phenomenon known as "woke" or "wokism" is international: initially developed on North American campuses towards the end of the 2010s and having quickly reached the worlds of culture, politics and even business, it quickly crossed the Atlantic to invest in many European countries. |
Bérénice Levet, the counter-attack Talker – Reserved for subscribersThe Courage of Dissent, by Bérénice Levet, is based on the allegory of the cave, in The Republic Plato, to trace a new path: one that will allow us to escape from the dark cave in which wokism locks us. The article is followed by an extract from the book. |
Luc Ferry: “The two faces of the bourgeoisie” Le Figaro – Reserved for subscribers It is from a "modernist" perspective that the reconciliation of the bohemian and the bourgeois will continue to take place within the concepts of innovation and breaking with tradition. A very interesting debate, throughout the pages of FigaroInter Olivier Babau et Pierre Vermeren on the origins of hostility to the bourgeoisie… |
Emmanuelle Henin: “A wish for 2023, to defend freedom of the mind!” Le Figaro – Reserved for subscribers As Bérénice Levet (in the photo) shows, the success of ideologies is first and foremost fuelled by our own renunciations and our bad conscience.TRIBUNE - The academic, professor of comparative literature at the Sorbonne, delivers a sharp reflection on the harmfulness of the "woke wave" and welcomes the new essay by Bérénice Levet* devoted to this subject. |
2022-12-08 Current Values
2022-12-04 Le Figaro (website)
Xavier-Laurent Salvador: "We criticize the school for what it does best"
2022-11-27 Planet (website ref.) – Planet (FR)
Renovation of the statue of Victor Hugo: “The opportunistic revisionism of the Besançon town hall”
2022-11-22 Le Figaro (website)
“Parents, don’t keep quiet about woke theories for fear of offending young people”
2022-11-09 Le Figaro
“Anti-patriarchal solidarity beyond the Mediterranean, patriarchal complicity in France?”
2022-11-04 L'Obs (website)
A militant history of “colonial France”
2022-10-28 Le Figaro Magazine
Yana Grinshpun: “Inclusivism, one of the great impostures of this beginning of the 21st century”
2022-10-09 L’Express (website)
2022-09-26 Le Figaro
2022-09-23 Le Figaro (website)
“Matrimoine”: the Ministry of Culture engages in revisionism, by Jean Szlamowicz
2022-09-01 L’Express (website)
Is “cancel culture” creating a generation of ignoramuses?
2022-08-31 Le Figaro (website)
A collective of academics: “No to the low-cost professors wanted by Macron!”
2022-08-26 L’Express (website)
2022-08-10 Twitter – Education (France)
Martine Storti: “There are pseudo-radicalities which are regressions”
2022-06-21 The World
Mathieu Bock-Côté, Bolloré's intellectual
2022-06-17 L'Obs (website)
2022-05-29 Twitter – Arts (France)
Why so much hatred against Pap Ndiaye?
2022-05-24 The Cross
2022-05-23 Twitter – Nominations (FR)
2022-05-22 Twitter – Nominations (FR)
A nomination that rekindles the quarrel over multiculturalism
2022-05-23 Le Figaro
Pap Ndiaye's appointment to National Education marks an ideological turning point
2022-05-23 Le Figaro
2022-05-21 Le Figaro (website)
Pap Ndiaye at the Ministry of National Education: the huge surprise of the Borne government
2022-05-21 Today in France
"Anti-woke people primarily defend class interests"
2022-05-11 Humanity
Sorbonne Nouvelle: “Under pressure from a minority of students, an exam will last… 48 hours!”
2022-05-02 L’Express (website)
Death of Jérémie Cohen: “We transform uninhibited savagery into a discursive fair”
2022-04-11 L’Express (website)
"Islamophobia is intellectual manipulation"
2022-04-04 L’Express (website)
Why we must save old French in universities
2022-03-08 L’Express (website)
"With the Hijabeuses, it's the Creil affair that is being replayed on the sports fields"
2022-03-03 L'Express
"With the hijab women, it's the Creil affair that is being replayed on the sports fields"
2022-02-21 L’Express (website)
“To all those who refuse the diversity of our stories”, by Pascal Blanchard and Yvan Gastaut
2022-02-07 L'Obs (website)
The symposium on deconstruction guilty of having reached its target
2022-02-05 Le Figaro
"The conference on deconstruction, guilty of having reached its target"
2022-02-04 Le Figaro (website)
Death threats against Ophélie Meunier: the appeal of 160 personalities for freedom of information
2022-02-03 Le Figaro (website)
Jean-Michel Blanquer intends to support the project of a “Charb” amphitheater at the Sorbonne
2022-01-27 Le Figaro Étudiant (website)
2022-01-23 Le Monde (website)
2022-01-22 The World
Figaro, March 27, 2021, Charles Coutel, investigation by Ronan Planchon, "Decolonialism and identity ideologies represent a quarter of research in the human sciences today"
Figaro, March 27, 2021, Xavier-Laurent Salvador, Jean Szlmaowic, Andreas Bikfalvi "Decolonialism and identity ideologies represent a quarter of research in the human sciences today"
Le Monde, March 18, 2021 – Sciences Po: Candidates emerge to lead the foundation, against a backdrop of controversy
The Express, March 15 2021 - Sciences Po: why Nonna Mayer's candidacy for the FNSP is controversial
BFM TV, March 12, 2021 – Vincent Tournier: « First intervention on the BFM set »
AKADEM – March 12, 2021 – Nathalie Heinich: " History of a complacency » – On Akadem
The Influences – March 11, 2021 – Nathalie Heinich : " This new militancy disguised as research » on Influences, the agency of ideas
Public Senate (9 / 3 / 2021) Arnaud Lacheret on the set of the Debate of Ideas
BFM TV, (9/3/2021), Arnaud Lacheret on the Bruce Toussaint set
BFM TV (8 / 3 / 2021) Isabelle Barberis on the Bruce Toussaint set
LCP (5 / 3 / 2021) IT’S YOUR BUSINESS – GENDER, RACE: THE DICTATORSHIP OF IDENTITIES?, Xavier-Laurent Salvador debates with Sandra Laugier. Transcript of the exchange here.
LCI: The Point of Ideas, March 5, 2021, Xavier-Laurent Salvador guest of Étienne Gernelle
the Point des Idées set on LCI
La Croix, 19 / 02 / 2021
Interview with Yanan Grinshpun , Is the university protected from ideological deviations?
3– Marianne (Magazine), February 21, 2021
Interview with Pierre-André Taguieff, by Hadrien Brachet
2– Marianne (Magazine), February 20, 2021
Interview with Pierre-André Taguieff, by Hadrien Brachet
1– Marianne (Magazine), February 21, 2021
Interview with Pierre-André Taguieff, by Hadrien Brachet
The Debate (France 24), 24th February 2021
Xavier-L. Salvador on the set of Le Débat facing Naciré Guénif
Interview (Public Senate), February 18 2021
Xavier-L. Salvador in debate with Mrs. This-saint-Jean and R. Liogier on the set of Public Sénat
The Point (website), Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Islamism at the university: should the investigation be entrusted to the main suspect? by Xavier-Laurent Salvador and Jean Szlamowicz
South Radio, “Bercoff in all its states” from Monday February 15, 2021
"Stop “cancel culture”: the call of the founding members of the Observatory of Decolonialism", with Xavier-Laurent Salvador and Jean Szlamowicz
The Point (website), Tuesday, February 9, 2021
"Islamo-leftism" versus "left-wing reactionaries", by Véronique Taquin, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
The New York Times (website), Tuesday, February 9, 2021
“France Sees an Existential Threat from American Campuses”, by Norimitsu Onishi
French version: Do American ideas threaten French cohesion?
The Point (website), Monday, February 8, 2021
“How to “decolonize” the Covid-19 pandemic?”, by Par Renée Fregosi, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
Le Figaro, Monday February 8, 2021
“How Decolonial Activists Are Taking Power in Universities”, column by Samuel Mayol and Xavier-Laurent Salvador
France 3 Auvergne Rhone-Alpes, “In-between” from Tuesday February 2, 2021
Interview with Fabrice Balanche, signatory of the Appeal of the Observatory of Decolonialism
The Point (website), Tuesday, February 2, 2021
“Nigerian Scam”: Crooks or Robin Hood?, by Hubert Heckmann, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
The Point (website), Monday, February 1, 2021
“Decolonial tyrants, ordinary fascists”, by François Rastier, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
The Point (website), Wednesday, January 27, 2021
“The enduring illusion of positive discrimination”, by Pierre-André Taguieff, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
The Point (website), Tuesday, January 26, 2021
“Colonialism”, this other virus that is hitting France…”, by Xavier-Laurent Salvador, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
Libération, Tuesday, January 26, 2021, p. 18-19
"The observatory that laughs at “decolonial” researchers" by Thibaut Sardier
The Point (website), Monday, January 25, 2021
“Biology, a “patriarchal” and “virile” science?”, by Jean-François Braunstein, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
The Point (website), Friday, January 22, 2021
"The improbable petition of support for Houria Bouteldja", by Nathalie Heinich, from the Observatory of Decolonialism
The Independent Opinion (website), Wednesday, January 20, 2021
"The university must remain a place of debate and exchange", Interview with Bruno Sire, signatory of the Appeal of the Observatory of Decolonialism
CNews, “References” of Sunday January 17, 2021
Véronique Taquin, from the Observatory of Decolonialism, is the guest of Jean-Pierre Elkabbach
Popular Front (website), Saturday, January 16, 2021
"Decolonial ideology is charlatanism paid for by the taxpayer", interview with Anne-Marie Le Pourhiet, signatory of the Appeal of the Observatory of Decolonialism
From the Kantkening (website), Thursday, January 14, 2021
“French academici schrijven manifest tegen 'identiteitsgolf' op universiteiten”
France Inter, Thursday January 14, 2021
Press review by Claude Askolovitch
Classical Radio, Thursday January 14, 2021
Press review by David Abiker
Current values (website), Thursday, January 14, 2021
“76 academics call to fight against “decolonialism” and “intersectionality””
World Heritage Site (website), Thursday, January 14, 2021
“Francja: Naukowcy przeciw panoszeniu się „kultury unieważniania””
The Point (website), Thursday, January 14, 2021
Video by Xavier-Laurent Salvador: "Misogyny is not fought on the ground of language"
The Point No. 2526, Thursday January 14, 2021, pp. 26-29 and 32-34
"The New Fanatics" by Clément Pétreault
Ideology. Indigenists, statue-toppling, racialist left, inclusive writing… Investigation into the identity fever that is taking over France. Academics call for a response.
The Point No. 2526, Thursday January 14, 2021, p. 30-31
“Call from the Observatory of Decolonialism and Identity Ideologies”
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