In partnership with the site Woke-Machine, haven of struggles and deconstructions…
Let's deconstruct mathematics
Mathematics is based on abstract principles that do not correspond to social realities. Worse, they make inequalities invisible.
1 racialized + 1 white, do they make 2 equal humans? Of course not!
Mathematical equality in no way reflects the inequalities and individual differences present in our society.
There is an urgent need to deconstruct mathematics, to question these fixed norms and to bring about a more critical reflection on power relations and existing discrimination.
[Read the scientific argument]
Let's Apologize for Our White Privilege
Let us do penance for this disgusting whiteness that afflicts us.
Let's condemn our parents for making us born white.
Let us repent of this world that we, the privileged, have created. This world filled with nauseating white supremacy.
Let us deeply regret this white privilege and ask forgiveness from our racialized sisters and brothers.
[Read the scientific argument]
Brussels-Central Park, NY via an underground?
Who has not heard of the satanic orgies that supposedly took place in the basement of a pizzeria in Central Park, New York?
Who hasn't heard of the links between Bill Gates and the Illuminati?
Now, Bill Gates was seen entering a Brussels sewer.
Could there be an underground passage used by the Belgian Illuminati to participate in the New York orgies? A secret underground passage that the mainstream media is hiding from us.
We ask the question. Let's keep our eyes open!
[Read the scientific argument]
Pregnancy for all!
Pregnancy for all is a fundamental right that allows the personal and family development of each human being.
Enabling everyone to have the opportunity to have a child is a matter of equality and social justice.
Every human should have the right to decide about their reproductive life, without being judged or discriminated against.
Promoting pregnancy for all means defending human rights and building a more inclusive society that respects diversity.
[Read the scientific argument]
Our right to hair restoration.
Androgenetic alopecia, being bald, is a profound handicap both in terms of self-esteem and discrimination, even stigmatization. Therefore an attack on human rights.
Let us claim our right to psychosocial support, to hair restoration treatments, particularly by implants.