Academics who simply document 'wokeism' at university


Jacques Robert warns against the excesses of wokeism and Trumpism, two extremes threatening science, and calls for vigilance against all forms of ideologization of knowledge.



Wokeism at university

The Observatory of University Ethics, created in 2019 under the name "Observatory of Decolonialism" then "Identity Ideologies", is an independent initiative dedicated to defending the fundamental values ​​of the university and promoting higher education that respects the principles of ethics, secularism and academic freedom. We are committed to preserving a university where the search for truth, free intellectual debate and the transmission of knowledge are exercised in a rigorous and impartial framework.

To achieve these goals, we:

  • Let us individually support teachers, researchers and students faced with attacks on academic freedom or ideological pressure, through advice, expertise and targeted actions;
  • Let us conduct in-depth investigations into ideological deviations, attacks on scientific neutrality and ethical issues that undermine the university, by publishing rigorous and documented reports;
  • Let us inform and raise awareness among the general public, institutions and political decision-makers about issues related to university ethics, in particular through analyses, debates and publications accessible to all.

These three axes – individual support, analytical research and public awareness – structure our action and allow us to defend a university at the service of knowledge and society. See our authors

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We produce analyses, articles or editorials almost daily based on data seen from our main observatory, the university itself and the establishments linked to it.

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The University was born as a schoolboy, and since Rabelais, we have had a hard time rebuilding ourselves. So to help us understand better, we draw, we pastiche...

Our analyses

In a few years, we have produced and continue to produce more than 2000 articles with a view to documenting the penetration of identity ideologies and wokeness within the university – in France, and in the world – on all subjects and covering all areas of this disaster. We submit each year an objective report on the issue and we publish documented analyses. You can't say you didn't know...

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The influence of identity ideologies on “psy” practices

Contemporary identity ideologies profoundly influence psychological practices by imposing a hypermoralization of social life, transforming the therapeutic relationship into a space of ideological validation rather than neutral analysis. Psychologist Florent Poupart warns us against this development, which is accompanied by a growing distrust of psychic life in its unconscious dimension, in favor of an ideal of transparency and moral purity.

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“The Empire of Validity”: Introduction to the Notion of Validism

The term "validisme" is the French translation of "ableism", a concept that emerged in the 1960s and 70s in the context of disability studies and activist movements for the rights of people with disabilities, contesting a biomedical vision of disability and promoting a social approach. In France, this concept first emerged in activist circles and is now found in academic publications that denounce an "empire of validity" imposing oppressive standards on people with disabilities and calling for a "devalidation" of the dominant model. An extension of wokism (the alliance of communitarianism with an obsession with domination), this notion joins other intersectional analyses on power relations and sparks debates within the academic world about the influence of activism on research.

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Anthropology in Crisis: Elizabeth Weiss Faces the Challenges of a Politicized Discipline

“We are losing science,” warns Weiss, who sees this politicization as an existential threat. “When remains are buried or destroyed, when museums censor their exhibits, there is nothing left to study. Unlike other disciplines, once anthropological data is lost, it cannot be recreated.”

Elizabeth Weiss nevertheless remains attached to the idea of ​​an anthropology anchored in science and the exploration of the past. But her testimony, opposing scientific rigor to identity pretensions, suggests an uncertain future for a discipline in search of meaning.

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Review: Susan Neiman, The Left Is Not #Woke

To quote Susan Neiman: "On the other hand, woke thinking that advocates a tribal vision of culture is not far from that of the Nazis who insisted that German music be played exclusively by Aryans, nor from that of Samuel Huntington defending what he called "Western culture" against the threats of destruction coming from other civilizations. To censor cultural appropriation is to sabotage the power of culture."

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Reading note: “Do we still want to live together?” by Pierre-Henri Tavoillot

After a damning diagnosis of the intellectual disaster that Wokism represents in the West, Tavoillot devotes his book to avenues of reconstruction. He identifies universal practices that he calls "seven pillars of conviviality": shared meals, couple relationships, intergenerational transmission, religious practices, among others. These pillars, deeply rooted in human experience, are considered as levers to restore an authentic social bond.

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Viking woman or non-binary? When woke “science” tears itself apart

All the "proof" of the deceased's non-binarity rests on these two absurd assertions. Since they are contradicted as soon as they are stated, the authors are safe from any criticism. The game will consist of forgetting these reservations as soon as we have finished writing them, and reasoning thereafter as if they were certain.

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Sociolinguistics between science and ideology. A response to Linguists atterrées (Book review of Lionel MENEY's book)

LM's book is easy to read. It does not claim to close the debate, and is clearly intended for a non-specialist audience. While the author lets the irritation that may have led him to react to the LA Tract show here and there, he does not give in to the ease of polemics and manages to retain the reader's interest through the coherence of the critical responses he provides.

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Progressive Myths and Reactionary Myths in Ideologized Research

These are some examples of blind spots on the part of intelligent and well-intentioned individuals. Ultimately, it takes very little to overcome these blind spots: one must find the courage to assert moral clarity and to resolutely oppose all ideas or ideologies that exalt lies and post-truth. This requires real consistency in the defense of the truth, in the face of attacks from all political horizons, whether it is the invention of a mythified past or the fantasy of a utopian future.

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The editorials
Pierre Vermeren

Gender? It doesn't exist

In the world before, literature was the way to know the lives of others, to imagine one's own, and to test one's virtues, one's body, one's fantasies, one's hopes and one's ambitions. The teachers of morality and virtue were neither civil servants nor paid activists, but thinkers and artists grappling with the human question. This library is still available. Mr. Minister Delegate, hold on!

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The editorials
Nathalie Heinich

Children, new victims of woke delusions

There is no stopping progress in the invention of new woke causes, intended to wake up the troops who are a little too asleep again. Because it's true, by force of stuffing ourselves with "gender" (about half of the themes listed in the 250 or so items of our 2023 Report), "racialization", "Islamophobia", "homophobia", "transphobia", "fatphobia" and all the phobias imaginable (except that of mice and reptiles, the only ones that I unfortunately have to confess), we end up finding the soap opera a little repetitive... Thus the dreary flock of "sheep of thought" periodically struggles to renew the livestock of the unfortunate victims of Domination (curse your name too pronounced!). And the latest discovery to date is children. Dare you?

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Jean Ferrette

No to misopedic adultism!

This requires, since the Nation's budget is under discussion, to create a specific envelope for the fight against adultism, intended to promote paid internships led by the children themselves, in order to better ensure that the specific oppression they suffer is understood. These will aim to awaken parents and, beyond that, all adults, to the toxic relationship that pushed them to have children without asking their opinion.

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The editorials

Guilty, necessarily guilty!

Today, it is a twenty-year-old Sciences Po student, Pablo Ladam, who tells us about the madness that has taken hold of his school in its fight against "sexist and sexual violence". He does so in a high-quality text, Terreur violette, which is absolutely essential reading and which we all hope to see published soon.

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

A CNRS laboratory confuses activism and research objects

The university, supposed to be a place of neutrality and scientific rigor, is drifting towards a worrying politicization, as evidenced by the recent motion of the CEPED (CNRS), which adopts a militant pro-Palestinian position. This position compromises the credibility of research and instrumentalizes the social sciences for ideological purposes. The academic institution must preserve its independence and avoid becoming a vector of political agenda.

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The child is a wolf to man

It is from Scotland that we receive news that a child is suffering from "species dysphoria" and identifies with a wolf. Oncologist Jacques Robert expands on this theme.

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The editorials
Nathalie Heinich

The refusal of debate, the fatal weapon of academic-activism

On September 17, the university popularization site TheConversation published an article by our colleague Albin Wagener (“professor of discourse analysis and communication” at the Catholic Institute of Lille) entitled “Moral panics: the fatal weapon of the extreme right”. The illustration chosen by the editorial staff is as eloquent as the title: an agit-prop poster declaring “The extreme right speaks to you every day, 24/24”, with the logos of C8 and Europe 1. Let’s add: on TheConversation, it is the extreme left that speaks to us every day, but with an additional advantage: it is not through the voice of journalists but under the cover of academic expertise. Double punishment.

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The editorials
Pauline Arrighi

Studies, a new Olympic discipline

There was the first medalist for the refugee team, Cameroonian boxer Cindy Ngamba; the selfie of the South and North Korean table tennis players, united on the podium; and the Australian Rachel Gunn, who distinguished herself with a break dance performance that earned her no points but rather a flood of jeers. It is very likely that she consciously provoked this fiasco to put herself forward in the many media outlets that reported on it.

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The editorials
Nathalie Heinich

To end the nonsense about academic freedom

There is a lot of talk these days about "academic freedom", but it is mostly to say stupid things, which a little common sense and knowledge of the issue should be enough to dispel.

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Job profiles in inclusive writing: the administration backtracks

The period of Le Mars sees a proliferation of job advertisements for recruitment in higher education establishments of which the INSPE are now part in complete autonomy. The word "autonomy" is undoubtedly inappropriate when talking about the civil service, as some believe themselves to be freed by the performative magic of the word from any accountability to the public that finances them. Through our unprecedented mobilization, we have managed to force the administration to back down!

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Common Places (Collective)

Political ecology versus environmentalism

Sandrine Rousseau's sallies regularly provoke disbelief, consternation or hilarity, to the point that we were delighted to see the insipid Yannick Jadot promoted to embody "government" ecology - that is to say, powerless. But we should take seriously the power of the so-called "woke" movement in the environmental movement: countering these delusional speeches requires, above all, understanding how we got here.

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Mikhail Kostylev

Anatomy of a Cancel

On December 15, 2022, the Café Laïque in Brussels was attacked by a pack of trans activists. Forced entry into the premises, breaking of furniture, throwing of excrement… another one of those violent cancels that wokeism has made us accustomed to.

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Francois Rastier

The indefinable genre

Gender, the cultural construction of biological sex, has become central to social and political studies, significantly influencing the ideology of late capitalism.

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Nathalie Heinich

After October 7: a Titanic of the left in democracy

October 7 revealed the failure of a Western left, divided by its support for Hamas and disconnected from its historical values ​​such as anti-racism, secularism and the fight for equality. This fracture is symptomatic of the wokeism and Islamo-leftism that are eating away at the political debate.

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Why did the Hijabeuses lose to the FFF?

The hijab women wanted the moon: to be able to play football with the hijab on their heads. Supported by several disoriented associations, the hijab women did not win their case. Alone alongside the French Football Federation (FFF), the International Women's Rights League (LDIF) stood up against religious fundamentalism and won the game. We interviewed its president Annie Sugier.

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Common Places (Collective)

Islamism, totalitarianism, imperialism

The ambition of this text is to put forward some elements of analysis for the purpose of understanding the Islamist phenomenon. This requires getting rid of a certain number of preconceived ideas...

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The editorials

Caught between wokeism and Trumpism

Jacques Robert warns against the excesses of wokeism and Trumpism, two extremes threatening science, and calls for vigilance against all forms of ideologization of knowledge.

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Florent Poupart

The influence of identity ideologies on “psy” practices

Contemporary identity ideologies profoundly influence psychological practices by imposing a hypermoralization of social life, transforming the therapeutic relationship into a space of ideological validation rather than neutral analysis. Psychologist Florent Poupart warns us against this development, which is accompanied by a growing distrust of psychic life in its unconscious dimension, in favor of an ideal of transparency and moral purity.

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Leonardo Orlando

Anthropology in Crisis: Elizabeth Weiss Faces the Challenges of a Politicized Discipline

“We are losing science,” warns Weiss, who sees this politicization as an existential threat. “When remains are buried or destroyed, when museums censor their exhibits, there is nothing left to study. Unlike other disciplines, once anthropological data is lost, it cannot be recreated.”

Elizabeth Weiss nevertheless remains attached to the idea of ​​an anthropology anchored in science and the exploration of the past. But her testimony, opposing scientific rigor to identity pretensions, suggests an uncertain future for a discipline in search of meaning.

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Mireille Quivy

Review: Susan Neiman, The Left Is Not #Woke

To quote Susan Neiman: "On the other hand, woke thinking that advocates a tribal vision of culture is not far from that of the Nazis who insisted that German music be played exclusively by Aryans, nor from that of Samuel Huntington defending what he called "Western culture" against the threats of destruction coming from other civilizations. To censor cultural appropriation is to sabotage the power of culture."

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

Reading note: “Do we still want to live together?” by Pierre-Henri Tavoillot

After a damning diagnosis of the intellectual disaster that Wokism represents in the West, Tavoillot devotes his book to avenues of reconstruction. He identifies universal practices that he calls "seven pillars of conviviality": shared meals, couple relationships, intergenerational transmission, religious practices, among others. These pillars, deeply rooted in human experience, are considered as levers to restore an authentic social bond.

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The editorials
Pierre Vermeren

Gender? It doesn't exist

In the world before, literature was the way to know the lives of others, to imagine one's own, and to test one's virtues, one's body, one's fantasies, one's hopes and one's ambitions. The teachers of morality and virtue were neither civil servants nor paid activists, but thinkers and artists grappling with the human question. This library is still available. Mr. Minister Delegate, hold on!

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Common Places (Collective)

Wokeism in the reading of C. Castoriadis

The analyses of what is now commonly called "wokism" could be divided into three groups: those that link it to "French Theory", those that derive it from the history of communism and those that detect a para-religious current in it. Salutary and, ultimately, complementary, these approaches focus solely on the ideological angle, which could lead one to believe that the fight against these invasive movements could be limited to this terrain. This is far from negligible but, in addition to opening the door to a return to the old ideological mummies called "right-wing", it ignores the conditions of the emergence of wokism, that is to say, the in-depth analyses of contemporary Western societies.
Dedicated to the latter, the work of Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997) would perhaps, retrospectively, allow us to shed some light on these contemporary pseudo-subversions, then understood as signs of a "decay of the West" - to use his famous phrase - which is now extremely advanced. It is this that we must confront, otherwise we will wage a battle while ignoring the main lines of force that determine its outcome.

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About deconstruction

The concept of "deconstruction" was born from the works of Derrida and, according to his kind followers, "it has become, in the minds of reactionaries of all stripes, the portmanteau word designating everything they hate in thought, when it seeks to emancipate rather than to order."

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Olivier Galland

In search of Islamophobia…

Islamophobia has a clear political use that has been consecrated by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. But beyond that, what does the term really mean? And is what it is supposed to designate – a deep hostility towards Muslims that has spread in French society – supported by facts?

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

The 3 attacks on the democratic spirit in the management of companies and administrations conveyed by wokism

Woke ideology has long since penetrated the daily life of the business world and public administration. There are major and unavoidable phenomena that everyone thinks about. And there are these little everyday things, against which we don't know what to do, and which nibble away at our space of freedom every day. What are some examples? Where does it come from? What can we do?

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Xavier-Laurent Salvador

The influence of Anglo-Saxon liberal models disseminated by Brussels on Research

The European Research Council (ERC) budget for the seven-year Horizon Europe programme amounts to €16 billion, dedicated to EU member states and associated nations, under the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FPRI). Is France autonomous in its higher education policy? No, because it conforms to European policies inspired by the United Nations aimed at achieving externally set objectives. Over the past 15 years, research and higher education in France have been silently transformed, partly influenced by the Anglo-Saxon liberal models established by Brussels.

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people sitting on gang chairs
Joseph Ciccolini

Critical Race Theory: When Cancerology Gets Tangled in the Woke Carpet

There is no longer any need to recall the permeability of entire sections of academic research to theories themselves stemming from French Theory and from deconstructivism at all costs. Initially confined to the human and social sciences, this groundswell is now affecting the hard sciences since perched articles such as "Queer identity and theory intersections in mathematics education: a theoretical literature review" or "A quantum physics explanation for polyamory, BDSM, and queer people" are now commonplace (1, 2). 

In the USA, this trend and in particular the emergence of Critical Race Theory is now affecting medical sciences and it is with a mixture of amusement and dismay that we see the blossoming, in the major international conferences usually held in North America, of lunar works now aiming to denounce the endemic and patriarchal WASP systemic racism in the care of patients suffering from cancer.

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Jean Szlamowicz and Yana Grinshpuhn

Inclusive writing put to the test by linguistics

The claim to contribute to the social progress of inclusive writing (IE) is based on false premises, linked to a partial interpretation distorting the reality of the attested grammatical functioning of the French language. Inclusive writing is a militant reform of the language built on the denunciation of imaginary injustices deriving from symbolic interpretations that do not correspond to any strictly linguistic reality. It intends to inscribe various gender identities or to "make women visible", political marketing that has nothing in common with the description of the nominal classes of French and constitutes a political claim based on beliefs and not on empirically verified knowledge. Its supporters, even among linguists, prescribe works and references that go against the methods, data and knowledge accepted in language sciences.

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Sabine Prokhoris

Polanski: Poisoned Logic

Exclusive excerpt from Sabine Prokhoris' book, "Who's Afraid of Roman Polanski?" If there is one thing that Roman Polanski had to deal with, in several forms, the fatal experience, it is the destructive power of falsification erected as a norm.

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Nathalie Heinich


This is how multiculturalism has slipped into identitarian communitarianism, and how it is turning into totalitarianism before our eyes. Savage censorship is imposed by micro-collectives that only authorize themselves, in contempt of the law, while all-out politicization transforms activists into legislators and judges, in the name of "everything is political" dear to fascist militias, Stalinist apparatchiks and their leftist heirs. And, as in any totalitarian atmosphere, fear reigns supreme, on American campuses as well as in the offices of French university presidents: fear of losing one's job, fear of losing face, fear above all of finding oneself in the wrong camp or - worse - of finding oneself alone.

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Are policewomen women?

Jean-Claude Michéa points out to me that the murder of the Rambouillet police officer was not presented by the media as a femicide. That is true. Neither in this case, nor in any other similar one, has a policewoman's murder ever been described as a femicide. What should we conclude from this? Thanks to Monique Wittig, we learned a long time ago that "lesbians are not women"! Thanks to our journalists, we now know that female police officers, even heterosexual ones, are not either.

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Tract #6 – Let’s refuse to be assigned to our birth color

Who has never felt bad about themselves?
Why should we accept being assigned to our birth skin?
To leave it there, is that not a profound injustice?
And the basis of multiple offenses or discriminations?
We urgently demand funding from the public authorities for scientific research that will allow everyone to have the skin color that corresponds to their TRUE personality.

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Tract #05 – Let’s celebrate inclusive writing!

Let’s celebrate inclusive writing!
It is clear that the French language is particularly obscure, if not erratic, with regard to the gender of objects.

To remedy this, it is necessary to carry out a purification aimed at matching the gender of the object to the person who uses it.

The one who sees himself as Valérie will say I'm going to sit on this chair or that armchair, while Kevin will say I'm sitting on this chair or that armchair.

This purification will also have the advantage of better identifying the gender in which the human being feels and therefore avoiding any offense.

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Leaflet #04 – Quotas, against discrimination against redheads!!

Quotas, against discrimination against redheads!!
Despite progress in society, persistent prejudices against redheads continue to fuel exclusion and inequality.
Only clear quotas can ensure fair representation and appropriate visibility of redheads.
By setting quantitative targets, we can break down barriers and promote a truly inclusive society where every individual, regardless of hair colour, is treated with dignity and respect.

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Tract #03 - Colonization, debt to be honored, let France compensate Brittany!

Colonization, debt to be honored, let France compensate Brittany!
Brittany, victim of French colonization, demands reparations!
Atrocities, suppression of autonomy, repression of language and culture, the scars are deep. France must assume its debt to Brittany and compensate for this dark period of history.
Committing to this approach means FINALLY promoting social justice and the recognition of historical rights that have been scandalously flouted.

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Wooden apologies

At Columbia, the president, Nemat Shafik, known as Minouche, had to call the police on campus to dislodge pro-Palestinian students from their camps and from university buildings where they had no business, Hamilton Hall in particular. About a hundred of them had been arrested: this somewhat disconcerted them, having been raised in the absence of contradiction and unable to accept being accused of harassing those they believe to be responsible for or approving of the war in the Middle East and who have only the "fault" of being Jewish.

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A quantum teaching

A management science teacher at the University of Montpellier 3, Bénédicte Gendron, is setting up a Master 2 whose program is worthy of the columns of Gorafi and has quickly made the rounds of online comedians.

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Reading : Compte rendu

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