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Read More  In this book-project we propose an exploratory/reflective decolonial investigation to locate the intersubjective structural/hegemonic, capitalist-historical, socio-economic, cultural and political relational process that caracterises a Patriarcal-Pact solidly operational throughout women and men’s lived experiences. That is, we propose to scrutinise the enduring and reiterative operational “colonialities of power/political; of knowledge/epistemic; of being/ontological; together with coloniality of gender, of doing, of nature, of sensibility/aesthetic.” (Perrier et al., 2022, 3). Through this we intend to deploy a new-decolonial-ethic-programme to tackle the way these colonialities continue to oppress and annihilate the cultural, intellectual/academic, artistic, social and political production of the subalternised and oppressed subjects here positionned as the racialised and gendered Black, white, “mixed-race” women, trans-women/men and TBN-transgender/non-binary from the Global South/Global North (Quijano 2000, 2007; Grosfoguel 2006, 2008; Mignolo 2011, 2018). Taking it primarily from the decolonial feminist theoretical proposals, enriched by the critics, debates and disputes related to their works, our aim is to highlight/explore border thinking/decolonial critique/colonial difference (Mignolo 2018, Quijano 2000, Dussel 1977) so as to lay bare how these oppressed subjects are abjectly exposed to a vicious circle of abuse, invisibilisation and naturalised denial (Anzaldúa 1987; hooks 1989; Cusicanqui 2007; Jesus 2007; Lugones 2008; Cumes 2012; Mendoza 2016; Paredes 2017; Curiel 2021; Segato 2022; Gonzales 1988b; Spivak 1988). Grounded on an interdisciplinary approach combining sociological, anthropological, historical, and literary fields of investigation, the texts presented in this collective work should reflect primarily the left-wing sexism with its diverse praxis, wordviews and cosmologies. This should lead us to (a) unravel a series of racialised/gendered resistences, subversions and praxis learned through a plurality of new modes of being, knowing, acting, thinking and doing; and (b) challenge the colonial matrix of power by identifying a variety of intersubjectivities constituting the religious and educational spaces, public governmental and/or institutional, administrative bodies with different levels of geopolitics and body politics of knowledge: cultural, corporative, AI algorithms’ gendered-racial-bias and/or academic production, and so on (Mignolo, 2016). Drawing from Latin American Modernity/Coloniality/Decoloniality’s philosophical school of thought (MCD) premisses, we understand that “Epistemological reconstruction is crucial for the Decolonial Turn. This is a project that aims to transcend and decolonize the Western canon anchored by the European/North American epistemologies from a single epistemic tradition to arrive at truth or universality. We contend that Decoloniality school of thought’s distinction from the Postcolonial/Postmodern studies arises mainly from the fact that decolonial critique establishes a tight connection and interdependence between modern global capitalist world-system and colonial experience. Originated with the conquest of America in 1492 (XV century)‒‒the Global South‒‒Decoloniality proposes a rupture from Western European/North American modern/colonial capitalist domination and centrality. Postcolonial/Postmodern, on the other hand, generally do not take into account Latin American critical school and its experience. It locates Eurocentric critique within the limits of Western-Imperial-North-European centrality and domination from the XIX siècle.” (Perrier et al., 2022, 4).  Submission guidelines Proposals (maximum one or two page abstract in English) should be sent to the following email address: Authors/Organizers Lenita Perrier, doctor in Socio-Anthropology at EHESS, Paris, France.  Veruschka de Sales Azevedo, doctor in History at PUC/São Paulo, Brazil.  Janaina de Figueiredo, doctor in Anthropology at PUC/São Paulo, Brazil.  Marcos de Araújo Silva, doctor in Anthropology at UFPE/Pernambuco, Brazil.  ANZALDÚA, Gloria E. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1987. CUMES, Aura Estela. “Mujeres indigenas patriarcado y colonialismo: un desafio a la segregation comprensiva de las formas de dominio.” Anuario Hojas de Warmi, 2012, n° 17. URL CURIEL, Ochy. “Decolonial feminism in Abya Yala.” Multitudes, 2021, Vol. 84, Issue 3, 78-86.  CUSICANQUI, Silvia Rivera. “Décoloniser la sociologie et la société.” Jornal des Anthropologues [en ligne], 110-111| 2007; DUSSEL, Enrique. Filosofia ética latinoamericana, Vol. 1, Mexico : Editorial Edicol, 1977. DUSSEL, Enrique. El encubrimiento del otro (Hacia el origen del “mito de la modernidad”). Obras Selectas XIX, 1° Ed. Buenos Aires, 1992.  FANON, Frantz. Les Damnés de la Terre, Paris: Éditions Maspero, 1961.  FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, New York: Herder & Herder, 1970. GONZALEZ, Lélia. “A categoria politico-cultural de Amefricanidade.” Tempo Brasileiro, N° 92/93 (jan./jun.), Rio de Janeiro, 1988b, 69-82.  GONZALEZ, Lélia. “Racismo e Sexismo na Cultura Brasileira.” Revista Ciências Sociais Hoje, Anpocs, 1984, 223-244 GRAMSCI, Antonio. Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci, New York: International Publishers, 1971. GROSFOGUEL, Ramón. “Towards a Decolonial Transmodern Pluriversalism.” Tabula Rasa, 2008. GROSFOGUEL, Ramón. “Les implications des altérités épistémiques dans la redéfinition du capitalisme global. Transmodernité, pensée frontalière et colonialité globale.” Multitudes, n° 26 2006/03, 51-74. hooks, bell. “Choosing the Margin as a Space of Radical Openness.” In Yearnings: Race, Gender and Cultural Politics, 1989, 203-9. Web. JESUS, Carolina Maria de. Quarto de despejo: diário de uma favelada. São Paulo: Ed. Ática, 2007.   LUDEMIR, Julio et al. Veruschka de Sales Azevedo. Carolinas: A nova geração de escritoras negras brasileiras. Ilustração Thais Linhares. 1a ed. Rio de Janeiro: Bazar do Tempo: Flup. 2021.    LUGONES, Maria. “Colonialidad Y Género.” Tabula Rasa, Bogota, Colombia, N° 9 : 73-101, julio-deciembre 2008. MENDOZA, Breny. “Breny Mendoza on Walter Mignolo’s ‘The Politics of Decolonial Investigations’.” Book Review, S-USIH, Society for U.S. Intellectual History, December 2022: MIGNOLO, Walter. “Decoloniality and Phenomenology: The Geopolitics of Knowing and Epistemic/Ontological Colonial Differences.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 32, n° 3. Special Issue with the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 2018, 360-387. MIGNOLO, Walter; Tlostanova, Madina V. “Theorizing from the Borders: Shifting to Geo- and Body Politics of Knowledge.” European Journal of Social Theory, Vol.9, Issue 2, 2016: MIGNOLO, Walter. Geopolitics of Sensing and Knowing, Transversal, Vol. 08, 2011. published online: PAREDES, Julieta. 2017 Hilando Fino. Desde El Feminismo Communitario, LIFTS–Lesbianas Independientes Feministas Socialistas, 2008: PERRIER, Lenita; Andrade, Luis M. Crossing Racial Borders: The Epistemic Empowerment of the Subaltern, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland, Lexington Books, 2022 PERRIER, Lenita; Nardi, Henrique; Di Legge, Francesca. Les subalterns peuvent-elles/ils (parler) être écouté-e-s ? Cultures Kairos [en ligne], Déc. 2018, paru dans Les numéros: PERRIER, Lenita. “Race, Genre et Sexualité : La mise à l’épreuve des représentations identitaires des femmes brésiliennes noires et métisses à Paris.” In Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos ; Marcos de Araujo Silva (Orgs.). Revue REALIS-Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas et PosColoniais, Université Fédérale de Pernambuco (UFPE), 2014, 61-63 QUIJANO, Anibal. “Coloniality and Modernity/Rationality.” Cultural Studies, Vol 21, Issue 2-3, published online: Taylor and Francis, Routledge, 2007, 168-78. QUIJANO, Anibal. “Coloniality of Power, Eurocentrism and Latin America.” Nepantla: Views from South, Vol.1, n° 3, Duke University Press, 2000, 533-580. RUBBO, Deni Alfaro. “Anibal Quijano e a racionalidade alternativa na América Latina: diálogos com Mariátegui.” Estudos Avançados 32(94). São Paulo: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Humanas/USP, 2018. SEGATO, Rita Laura. La guerre aux femmes, Essais Payot, avril 2022 [traduit de l’espagnol por Irma Valez].   SILVA, Marcos de Araújo. “Perspectivas posgeográficas de la participación ciudadana y democrática a partir de Sudamérica: un estudio sobre articulaciones transnacionales de inmigrantes latinoamericanos.” In Pedro José Ortega; Leopoldo Artiles; Carolina Armenteros. (Org.). Decolonialidad, emancipación y utopías en América Latina y el Caribe. 1ed.Santo Domingo: Editorial Funglode, 2022, v. 1, p. 241-254. SILVA, Marcos de Araújo. “Sinofobia, necropolítica y Racismo en el Brasil bolsonarista: Desigualdad, Big Data y contrainformaciones hacia la Pandemia del Covid-19.” In Alberto L. Bialakowski; Luz M. Montelongo; Juan B. Ferenaz. (Org.). Cuadernos Abiertos de Crítica y Coproducción. 2ed.Buenos Aires: CLACSO, IIGG, CEFIS, AAs, 2020, v. 2, p. 44-56. SPIVAK, Gayatri Chakrovorty. Can the Subaltern Speak?  London: Macmillan, 1988. WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel. World-systems analyses, Yale University, Sociopedia.isa, 2013. DOI: 10.1177/2056846013114, 2013. 

In this book-project we propose an exploratory/reflective decolonial investigation to locate the intersubjective structural/hegemonic, capitalist-historical, socio-economic, cultural and political relational process that caracterises a Patriarcal-Pact solidly operational throughout women and men’s lived experiences. That is, we propose to scrutinise the enduring and reiterative operational “colonialities of power/political; of knowledge/epistemic; of being/ontological; together with coloniality of gender, of doing, of nature, of sensibility/aesthetic.” (Perrier et al., 2022, 3). Through this we intend to deploy a new-decolonial-ethic-programme to tackle the way these colonialities continue to oppress and annihilate the cultural, intellectual/academic, artistic, social and political production of the subalternised and oppressed subjects here positionned as the racialised and gendered Black, white, “mixed-race” women, trans-women/men and TBN-transgender/non-binary from the Global South/Global North (Quijano 2000, 2007; Grosfoguel 2006, 2008; Mignolo 2011, 2018).

Taking it primarily from the decolonial feminist theoretical proposals, enriched by the critics, debates and disputes related to their works, our aim is to highlight/explore border thinking/decolonial critique/colonial difference (Mignolo 2018, Quijano 2000, Dussel 1977) so as to lay bare how these oppressed subjects are abjectly exposed to a vicious circle of abuse, invisibilisation and naturalised denial (Anzaldúa 1987; hooks 1989; Cusicanqui 2007; Jesus 2007; Lugones 2008; Cumes 2012; Mendoza 2016; Paredes 2017; Curiel 2021; Segato 2022; Gonzales 1988b; Spivak 1988). Grounded on an interdisciplinary approach combining sociological, anthropological, historical, and literary fields of investigation, the texts presented in this collective work should reflect primarily the left-wing sexism with its diverse praxis, wordviews and cosmologies. This should lead us to (a) unravel a series of racialised/gendered resistences, subversions and praxis learned through a plurality of new modes of being, knowing, acting, thinking and doing; and (b) challenge the colonial matrix of power by identifying a variety of intersubjectivities constituting the religious and educational spaces, public governmental and/or institutional, administrative bodies with different levels of geopolitics and body politics of knowledge: cultural, corporative, AI algorithms’ gendered-racial-bias and/or academic production, and so on (Mignolo, 2016).

Drawing from Latin American Modernity/Coloniality/Decoloniality’s philosophical school of thought (MCD) premisses, we understand that “Epistemological reconstruction is crucial for the Decolonial Turn. This is a project that aims to transcend and decolonize the Western canon anchored by the European/North American epistemologies from a single epistemic tradition to arrive at truth or universality. We contend that Decoloniality school of thought’s distinction from the Postcolonial/Postmodern studies arises mainly from the fact that decolonial critique establishes a tight connection and interdependence between modern global capitalist world-system and colonial experience. Originated with the conquest of America in 1492 (XV century)‒‒the Global South‒‒Decoloniality proposes a rupture from Western European/North American modern/colonial capitalist domination and centrality. Postcolonial/Postmodern, on the other hand, generally do not take into account Latin American critical school and its experience. It locates Eurocentric critique within the limits of Western-Imperial-North-European centrality and domination from the XIX siècle.” (Perrier et al., 2022, 4). 

Submission guidelines

Proposals (maximum one or two page abstract in English) should be sent to the following email address:


Lenita Perrier, doctor in Socio-Anthropology at EHESS, Paris, France.  Veruschka de Sales Azevedo, doctor in History at PUC/São Paulo, Brazil.  Janaina de Figueiredo, doctor in Anthropology at PUC/São Paulo, Brazil.  Marcos de Araújo Silva, doctor in Anthropology at UFPE/Pernambuco, Brazil. 

ANZALDÚA, Gloria E. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1987.

CUMES, Aura Estela. “Mujeres indigenas patriarcado y colonialismo: un desafio a la segregation comprensiva de las formas de dominio.” Anuario Hojas de Warmi, 2012, n° 17. URL

CURIEL, Ochy. “Decolonial feminism in Abya Yala.” Multitudes, 2021, Vol. 84, Issue 3, 78-86. 

CUSICANQUI, Silvia Rivera. “Décoloniser la sociologie et la société.” Jornal des Anthropologues [en ligne], 110-111| 2007;

DUSSEL, Enrique. Filosofia ética latinoamericana, Vol. 1, Mexico : Editorial Edicol, 1977.

DUSSEL, Enrique. El encubrimiento del otro (Hacia el origen del mito de la modernidad”). Obras Selectas XIX, 1° Ed. Buenos Aires, 1992. 

FANON, Frantz. Les Damnés de la Terre, Paris: Éditions Maspero, 1961. 

FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, New York: Herder & Herder, 1970.

GONZALEZ, Lélia. “A categoria politico-cultural de Amefricanidade.” Tempo Brasileiro, N° 92/93 (jan./jun.), Rio de Janeiro, 1988b, 69-82. 

GONZALEZ, Lélia. “Racismo e Sexismo na Cultura Brasileira.” Revista Ciências Sociais Hoje, Anpocs, 1984, 223-244

GRAMSCI, Antonio. Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci, New York: International Publishers, 1971.

GROSFOGUEL, Ramón. “Towards a Decolonial Transmodern Pluriversalism.” Tabula Rasa, 2008.

GROSFOGUEL, Ramón. “Les implications des altérités épistémiques dans la redéfinition du capitalisme global. Transmodernité, pensée frontalière et colonialité globale.” Multitudes, n° 26 2006/03, 51-74.

hooks, bell. “Choosing the Margin as a Space of Radical Openness.” In Yearnings: Race, Gender and Cultural Politics, 1989, 203-9. Web.

JESUS, Carolina Maria de. Quarto de despejo: diário de uma favelada. São Paulo: Ed. Ática, 2007.  

LUDEMIR, Julio et al. Veruschka de Sales Azevedo. Carolinas: A nova geração de escritoras negras brasileiras. Ilustração Thais Linhares. 1a ed. Rio de Janeiro: Bazar do Tempo: Flup. 2021.   

LUGONES, Maria. “Colonialidad Y Género.” Tabula Rasa, Bogota, Colombia, N° 9 : 73-101, julio-deciembre 2008.

MENDOZA, Breny. “Breny Mendoza on Walter Mignolo’s ‘The Politics of Decolonial Investigations’.” Book Review, S-USIH, Society for U.S. Intellectual History, December 2022:

MIGNOLO, Walter. “Decoloniality and Phenomenology: The Geopolitics of Knowing and Epistemic/Ontological Colonial Differences.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 32, n° 3. Special Issue with the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 2018, 360-387.

MIGNOLO, Walter; Tlostanova, Madina V. “Theorizing from the Borders: Shifting to Geo- and Body Politics of Knowledge.” European Journal of Social Theory, Vol.9, Issue 2, 2016:

MIGNOLO, Walter. Geopolitics of Sensing and Knowing, Transversal, Vol. 08, 2011. published online:

PAREDES, Julieta. 2017 Hilando Fino. Desde El Feminismo Communitario, LIFTS–Lesbianas Independientes Feministas Socialistas, 2008:

PERRIER, Lenita; Andrade, Luis M. Crossing Racial Borders: The Epistemic Empowerment of the Subaltern, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland, Lexington Books, 2022

PERRIER, Lenita; Nardi, Henrique; Di Legge, Francesca. Les subalterns peuvent-elles/ils (parler) être écouté-e-s ? Cultures Kairos [en ligne], Déc. 2018, paru dans Les numéros:

PERRIER, Lenita. “Race, Genre et Sexualité : La mise à l’épreuve des représentations identitaires des femmes brésiliennes noires et métisses à Paris.” In Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos ; Marcos de Araujo Silva (Orgs.). Revue REALIS-Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas et PosColoniais, Université Fédérale de Pernambuco (UFPE), 2014, 61-63

QUIJANO, Anibal. “Coloniality and Modernity/Rationality.” Cultural Studies, Vol 21, Issue 2-3, published online: Taylor and Francis, Routledge, 2007, 168-78.

QUIJANO, Anibal. “Coloniality of Power, Eurocentrism and Latin America.” Nepantla: Views from South, Vol.1, n° 3, Duke University Press, 2000, 533-580.

RUBBO, Deni Alfaro. “Anibal Quijano e a racionalidade alternativa na América Latina: diálogos com Mariátegui.” Estudos Avançados 32(94). São Paulo: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Humanas/USP, 2018.

SEGATO, Rita Laura. La guerre aux femmes, Essais Payot, avril 2022 [traduit de l’espagnol por Irma Valez].  

SILVA, Marcos de Araújo. “Perspectivas posgeográficas de la participación ciudadana y democrática a partir de Sudamérica: un estudio sobre articulaciones transnacionales de inmigrantes latinoamericanos.” In Pedro José Ortega; Leopoldo Artiles; Carolina Armenteros. (Org.). Decolonialidad, emancipación y utopías en América Latina y el Caribe. 1ed.Santo Domingo: Editorial Funglode, 2022, v. 1, p. 241-254.

SILVA, Marcos de Araújo. “Sinofobia, necropolítica y Racismo en el Brasil bolsonarista: Desigualdad, Big Data y contrainformaciones hacia la Pandemia del Covid-19.” In Alberto L. Bialakowski; Luz M. Montelongo; Juan B. Ferenaz. (Org.). Cuadernos Abiertos de Crítica y Coproducción. 2ed.Buenos Aires: CLACSO, IIGG, CEFIS, AAs, 2020, v. 2, p. 44-56.

SPIVAK, Gayatri Chakrovorty. Can the Subaltern Speak?  London: Macmillan, 1988.

WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel. World-systems analyses, Yale University, Sociopedia.isa, 2013. DOI: 10.1177/2056846013114, 2013.


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