« Postcolonial Cultures Journal. Studies and Essays » – Varia

« Postcolonial Cultures Journal. Studies and Essays » – Varia

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« Postcolonial Cultures Journal. Studies and Essays » – Varia

Read More  The journal Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing research on Commonwealth and postcolonial societies. The journal has been published annually since 1995 by the SEPC (Société d’Étude des Pays du Commonwealth) in tandem with the journal of literature, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, (under the title Cultures of the Commonwealth). The journal publishes articles on contemporary issues affecting Commonwealth societies (19th- 21st c.), or all regions having a historical link with the British Empire. Using an inter-disciplinary approach (history; sociology, political science, cultural studies, economics, cultural history), the idea is to compare social issues across the English-speaaking world. These issues include indigenous rights, settler, postcolonial et decolonising identities, gender and sexuality, social class, minority rights, republicanism and monarchy, ecology and the shifting frontiers of globalisation. Submission guidelines Submissions of articles, interviews, and reviews should be sent electronically to the editors. They should be around 6,000 words or 36,000 signs (including explanatory notes and works cited), and should follow the Chicago manual of style 17th edition. https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html/). Translations are to be provided for citations in languages other than English. Submissions should also provide a brief biographical note (50-70 words along with name, affiliation, student standing (if applicable) as well as a postal address, and e-mail address. Submissions should be sent as email attachments jointly to deirdre.gilfedder@dauphine.psl.eu and bernardjcros@orange.fr before April 30, 2023. Editorial team Publication managing editor: Christine Lorre Chief Editor: Deirdre Gilfedder Associate Editor: Bernard Cros Editorial assistant: Ondine Aza Subeditors: Adrien Rodd, Sophie Croisy. Advisory Board  France : Pr. Gilles TEULIE Université Aix-Marseille Pr. Waddick DOYLE American University of Paris Pr. Matthew GRAVES, U. Université Aix-Marseille Pr. Martine PIQUET, Université Paris-Dauphine PSL Pr. Em. Xavier PONS, U. Toulouse-le-Mirail; Dr. Ronald LEASK, (Université de Strasbourg) International Advisory Board Pr. Emeritus. Raj ISAR, International Council of Museums (ICOM); INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage) Dr. Prudence BLACK, University of Adelaide, Australia Pr. David CARTER, U.niversity of Queensland, Australia Pr Greg NEWBOLD, University of Canterbury, Christchurch (NZ) Pr. Robert SCHRIRE, U. Cape Town (SA) ; Dr. Paul HUSBANDS, historian Waitangi Tribunal; Wellington (NZ);  Davina DOUGHAN, journalist, Royal Holloway University UK. Kim CHAKANESTA journalist, BBC Africa. UK Dr. Joe HARDWICK School of Languages and Culture, University of Queensland, Australia 

The journal Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing research on Commonwealth and postcolonial societies. The journal has been published annually since 1995 by the SEPC (Société d’Étude des Pays du Commonwealth) in tandem with the journal of literature, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, (under the title Cultures of the Commonwealth). The journal publishes articles on contemporary issues affecting Commonwealth societies (19th- 21st c.), or all regions having a historical link with the British Empire. Using an inter-disciplinary approach (history; sociology, political science, cultural studies, economics, cultural history), the idea is to compare social issues across the English-speaaking world. These issues include indigenous rights, settler, postcolonial et decolonising identities, gender and sexuality, social class, minority rights, republicanism and monarchy, ecology and the shifting frontiers of globalisation.

Submission guidelines

Submissions of articles, interviews, and reviews should be sent electronically to the editors. They should be around 6,000 words or 36,000 signs (including explanatory notes and works cited), and should follow the Chicago manual of style 17th edition. https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html/).

Translations are to be provided for citations in languages other than English. Submissions should also provide a brief biographical note (50-70 words along with name, affiliation, student standing (if applicable) as well as a postal address, and e-mail address.

Submissions should be sent as email attachments jointly to deirdre.gilfedder@dauphine.psl.eu and bernardjcros@orange.fr

before April 30, 2023.

Editorial team

Publication managing editor: Christine Lorre

Chief Editor: Deirdre Gilfedder

Associate Editor: Bernard Cros

Editorial assistant: Ondine Aza

Subeditors: Adrien Rodd, Sophie Croisy.

Advisory Board 

France : Pr. Gilles TEULIE Université Aix-Marseille Pr. Waddick DOYLE American University of Paris Pr. Matthew GRAVES, U. Université Aix-Marseille Pr. Martine PIQUET, Université Paris-Dauphine PSL Pr. Em. Xavier PONS, U. Toulouse-le-Mirail; Dr. Ronald LEASK, (Université de Strasbourg)

International Advisory Board

Pr. Emeritus. Raj ISAR, International Council of Museums (ICOM); INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage) Dr. Prudence BLACK, University of Adelaide, Australia Pr. David CARTER, U.niversity of Queensland, Australia Pr Greg NEWBOLD, University of Canterbury, Christchurch (NZ) Pr. Robert SCHRIRE, U. Cape Town (SA) ; Dr. Paul HUSBANDS, historian Waitangi Tribunal; Wellington (NZ);  Davina DOUGHAN, journalist, Royal Holloway University UK. Kim CHAKANESTA journalist, BBC Africa. UK Dr. Joe HARDWICK School of Languages and Culture, University of Queensland, Australia


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