Au suivant!… « Decolonial and Queer of Color Archiving » (Université de Chicago à Paris)

Au suivant!… « Decolonial and Queer of Color Archiving » (Université de Chicago à Paris)

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Au suivant!… « Decolonial and Queer of Color Archiving » (Université de Chicago à Paris)

Decolonial and Queer of Color Archiving: Engaging Concealed Pasts
Transnational symposium organized by
Sandeep Bakshi (LARCA, Université Paris Cité) and Paola Bacchetta (University of California, Berkeley)
Wednesday 20 April 2022

Relaying and relying upon the work of the Decolonizing Sexualities Network in the last decade that has now become the living queer of color archive, the symposium extends the meaning inherent in working with the archive of queer of color worldmaking beyond the network’s living archive. It aims to invite prominent decolonial and queer of color archives scholars and place them in conversation with queer of color archivists/activists in the global North (US, France).

The key question that underpins the symposium is: How do queer of color and decolonial queer archiving alter the way in which we think of archiving as a practice of preservation of history?
All participants will incorporate the crux of the question in their presentation/conversation.

The symposium comprises one section of the larger project on decolonizing queer knowledge that is co-run by Professor Paola Bacchetta and Dr Sandeep Bakshi under the aegis of the Decolonizing Sexualities Network

3:00 Convene
3:10 Brief Welcome Remarks:
Paola Bacchetta and Sandeep Bakshi

Panel 1: 3PM-4:45PM
Chair: Salima Amari, CRESPPA – Genre, Travail, Mobilités
3:20 Roderick Ferguson, Yale University
3:40 Jin Haritaworn, York University
4:00 Evren Sacvi, Yale University
4:20 Discussant Sandeep Bakshi, LARCA, Université Paris Cité
Questions, Comments, Responses, Discussion

Break 4:45- 5:00

Panel 2: 5PM -6:45PM
Chair: Yoann Idiri, MA in Urban and Cultural Heritage Studies, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-La Sorbonne
5:00 Malek Cheikh, MA in Studies of Gender and Culture, and Communication, Université Paris VIII, and Leading Editor of the journal AssiégéEs (2019-2022)
Massinissa Garaoun, Doctoral student, Linguistics, ÉcolePratique des Hautes Études, Paris
5:30 Sam Bourcier, Université de Lille
5:50 Paola Bacchetta, University of California, Berkeley
6:10 Discussant Sandeep Bakshi, LARCA, Université Paris Cité
Questions, Comments, Responses, Discussion

6:35 Cocktail


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