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Tribune des observateurs

Espace Beaulieu, 146 rue de St Gênes, Bordeaux

Entrée libre, mais inscription obligatoire: https://form.jotform.com/240513496727360

June 17, Salle d’Agora, University of Bordeaux

8.30 am, welcome

9. am:  introduction to the symposium (Andreas Bikfalvi, Bordeaux, France; Pierre Vermeren, Paris, France)

9.15 am On the Moralization of Science (Yves Gingras, Montreal, Canada)

9.50 am A general assessment of the ideological penetration in the Academia (Jean-François Braunstein, Paris, France, via Zoom)

10h25 am The indigenous knowledge vs. science debate and the rise of postmodernism in New Zealand (Peter Schwerdtfeger, Auckland, New Zealand, via Zoom)

11.00 coffee break

11.15 am ‘From Worriers to Warriors: The Rise of Women in Science and Society’ (Corey J Clark, Philadelphia, USA)

11.50 pm ‘Language as ideology’ or the rhetoric of vagueness (Jean Szlamowicz, Dijon, France)

12.30 Lunch break

2 pm The notion of truth in sciences and medicine (Andreas Bikfalvi, Bordeaux, France)

2.35 pm When ideology trumps evolutionary biology (Luana Maroja, Williamstown, USA)

3.10 pm « Is Biology soluble in Ideology? » (Joseph Ciccolini, Marseille, France)

3.45 pm Coffee break

4. pm “The origine of COVID-19” debate (Alina Chan, Boston, USA via Zoom)

4.35 pm Powerful ideas in global health, humanitarianism and philanthropy (Patricia Schwerdtle, Heidelberg, Germany)

5.10 pm Oncology and ideological penetration (Jacques Robert, Bordeaux, France)

5.45 pm Round table discussion: A.Bikfalvi, C. Clarke, Y. Gingras, L. Maroja, P. Schwerdtle,J  Szlamowicz, J Robert

Concluding Remarks (Andreas Bikfalvi, Bordeaux, France)
